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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Who in their right mind would buy us at present? Better to see how things pan out with Shearer 1st. Much as it pains me, we're stuck with Ashley for at least 2 years IMO.
  2. You seen his lass? I met them both on a flight from Newcastle to Paris, she is fit as a butcher's dog. Sure it wasn't a naughty weekend for Habib?
  3. I remember that. Can't help thinking though some of it is down to gambling on player's fitness in our desperation to sign them. Some of our signings - Carr, Babayaro, Owen, Viduka for instance - had well documented injury problems before we signed them. Signing crocked players became a bit of a (annoying) speciality for us. Hoping this summer sees some Fit players coming in. Winsper's presence may also see things improve. Wasn't he here when we made a habit of winning loads of games in the last 20 mins under SBR?
  4. Hope he joins them, cos then he can NEVER be considered for us. result..
  5. Very nice of him. At least he never made Shearer fly to London. He wouldn't feckin dare! Can you imagine?.......
  6. Bollocks, get the wedge on here and screw the principles
  7. re. Injuries. Hasn't it been said by several managers that there's a surface problem at the Training ground? Is this bollocks?
  8. Lawrenson preparing mince in the restaurant? What would Lee do here tho? Another Terry Mac?
  9. Aye hopefully that is what he'll do, although frankly if he's decent enough maybe he'll be here for 20 years. It would certainly make a refreshing change. Lets say shearer does a decent job of re-building, but we don't go back up next year. will the board have the patience and cojones to stick with him, learn from the past, or will they get rid and say it was what the fans wanted? I guess I'm also saying, if it doesn't go perfectly 1st attempt, will we be patient.
  10. What role would Rob Lee have at our club? Has he got his coaching badges.
  11. In all honesty maybe we didn't need it with the likes of Keegan, Daglish and Robson, they probably were scouting networks on their own to a degree. But the lack of youth development (local and imported) and scouting is plain ridiculous (it's not like Fergy or Wenger is personally searching out young players he likes the look of). And stability.... how much different would things be looking now in just that context if Keegan had stayed. Which is the one good thing at the moment if the Shearer rumours are true, 4 year contract. Of course that assumes he isn't sacked (or isn't just rubbish). I agee, the lack of scouting has aggravated the bad buy huge wage cycle. Aye, you'd have to hope that this is something Shearer will sort out, he certainly talks the talk in those sort of respects (and doesn't seem afraid to get people in that know more than him in whatever aspect - which may be the sign of a good manager ). It's not just about Shearer. Stuff needs to be put in place that will be there for 20 years. True, but at the moment, Shearer seems to be the only one at the club driving this kind of approach thru. Hope they listen to him , at the very least.
  12. In all honesty maybe we didn't need it with the likes of Keegan, Daglish and Robson, they probably were scouting networks on their own to a degree. But the lack of youth development (local and imported) and scouting is plain ridiculous (it's not like Fergy or Wenger is personally searching out young players he likes the look of). And stability.... how much different would things be looking now in just that context if Keegan had stayed. Which is the one good thing at the moment if the Shearer rumours are true, 4 year contract. Of course that assumes he isn't sacked (or isn't just rubbish). I agee, the lack of scouting has aggravated the bad buy huge wage cycle. Aye, you'd have to hope that this is something Shearer will sort out, he certainly talks the talk in those sort of respects (and doesn't seem afraid to get people in that know more than him in whatever aspect - which may be the sign of a good manager ). Agreed,tho I would say its the starting block of being a good manager.
  13. You'd have to hope so, but loses can still force it, even to a club owned like ours. Especially with someone like Ashley who probably enjoys high speed drunk driving on alpine roads in a car flooded with water and filled with piranha and nitroglycerine as a relaxing evening out.
  14. Not sure you'd get 100% agreement on Shearer's whiter than white record. Lot's of Newcastle supporters see him as a bit of a mercenary twat who had a few detrimental effects. Aye,hence the maybe. Nows his chance to change it mind. Like a few others on here, now the dust has settled, I'm looking forward to next season more than I have in a long time. Of course, this time next week, I could be changing that view.
  15. Oh really? if we have any, we actually pay the fuckers?
  16. Hard to think of anyone connected with the club in the past decade who can hold their head up blameless. Sir Bobby, Shearer maybe, Other than that.........
  17. dream on mate, Our first defeat in Championship and you can guess the headlines.
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