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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I feel sorry for the cunt now. Stevie's after him! Go on Stevie!!
  2. If this gormless titwitch spent less time regurgitating shite from his fellow hacks, and spent half an hour reading the responses in here, he'd realize what a disgrace he was to his "profession". If, as mentioned before, our untried inexperienced " Messiah" does even remotely as well as Guardiola, Syed should be force fed every copy of this ignorant nonsense ever sold. Wanker.
  3. My brothers been here twice. Highly recommends it. I'll try to get some details if you're interested.
  4. Would you go into partnership with the fat , lying, useless, fiddle while rome burns twat?
  5. Too busy counting his filthy lucre, and chinning taxi drivers
  6. Anyone have a reliable figure of what ( if any) pay off the little is getting? He was on £1.5M a year and I think he had a 2 year contract. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/...-boardroom.html So he got £3m for what time he did. Little Bastard Wonder what Shearer will be on by comparison?
  7. Anyone have a reliable figure of what ( if any) pay off the little is getting?
  8. If this Short turned out to be their Ashley, I do believe I would laugh so hard, I'd disappear up my own arse .
  9. Yes Please Go on Keith, they can't ban you if you own the fucker!
  10. I was saying the same thing to Wor Genesis the other day. Mind, not really the time to pick at his choice of name, is it?
  11. That encapsulates everything in my view. It's like a plain looking lass who gets all the attention because she's got world class norks. You saying we're all Tits , Stevie? Outside now!
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