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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The one who wrote the stop smoking book is. of lung cancer I believe...... oh the irony
  2. Beef Mince Onion flour beef stock Brown mince and onion, dust with flour, add stock,(you can add a touch of ale here if you want),simmer Flour Suet Seasoning Parsley Combine the flour and suet( eg 150g flour,50g suet) season add fresh chopped parsley add water until you have a dryish dough. roll into balls put the mince in a casserole, add the dumplings, cook for about 30 mins until dumplings have cooked eat be happy. ( and not a microwave in sight )
  3. Run me through this. Mince+ Dumplings+ Gravy= Bliss or do you want the recipe?
  4. Mince & Dumplings is the fail safe bait for me. Never had or made a bad one. I like all the modern cooking- ramen noodles a favourite. But mince & dumplings...... Mmmmmmm
  5. Tricky game to play with your fingers up your sister.
  6. It's going to be another round of the Joe Fucking Kinnear comedy football show, isn't it?
  7. Pathetic. Try before you cry Microwaving fucking rice!!!! Sweet chilli sauce....Honestly don't know where to begin. Mummies boy cooking is probably the book this should go in. The 12 minute part is the clue- never said it was gourmet
  8. My 12 minute stir fry: Rinse some rice, cover with a tea towel and micro for 11 mins. Cut some chicken into thin strips* Julienne veg( I generally use courgette,Red onion, Yellow Pepper, whole sugar snaps, Garlic) When rice has 6 mins left, stir fry the Chicken, adding the veg for the final minute. Add Couple of tablespoons of Sweet chilli Sauce, and One of dark soy. Eat * Works well with salmon, dust it with (Corn)flour and reduce cooking time.
  9. That too. Sooo Don't forget to vote Or Godzilla/Mothra etc will eat your house.
  10. Separated at birth? He's a cunt mind
  11. to vote Ladies & Gents....... apathy is the death of democracy
  12. Is this a Fuzzbox?, plenty of these on the site.
  13. Homophobic arsehole Now THAT would present certain problems to our Brothers of the Bum.
  14. Not something our mob need worry about.
  15. Playing in the right league next season then
  16. Looks like the kind of bloke who gets his friends kids to call him Uncle...... If you get my drift.
  17. Good film. Isn't "Hellboy" Ron Perlman in it too? Plays a mad monk.
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