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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye but she's perfectly safe behind the old lady doing YMCA. Don't American Rounders games go on for hours? Why take a kid( 2 yr old max) ?
  2. Haha, he's great! Looks like Huey, the Fun Lovin Criminal ( minus tache).
  3. Might as well buy shares in Vaux. Wear.
  4. Cotton mouth.... Pillow biting?
  5. Utter Loon 1:26 laughed my nads off!
  6. Evil prospers when Good Men do nothing.... ...... or summat
  7. hmmm.... I still blame Derek and Wise more than Ashley for the relegation. They did an awful job in the January window. They could easily have lined up a swap for Given with Citeh and dont get me started on Nolan. As for Ashley, in May he said he wanted to sell at a massive financial loss, I took that on face value so couldn't understand what else people wanted him to do. Two months of total neglect has changed that view. Read the comments before my first post. It's f*ckwit fans that go from one extreme to the next that give this club the bad name it has today, they are duluded muppets. What the hell did they expect him to achieve with the tripe we have in an imposible situation. His quotes are quite reserved given the way we threw him back on the scrap heap. +don't get me wrong, I don't want him back... just didn't like the comments I read. "We" had little to do with that- combo of Doctors advice and Short term contract expired . Bye Joe, watch the door doesn't hit your arse as you leave.
  8. Cheap engagement rings, hired suits... Tight bastard tbh I don't really get why folk feel it necessary to blow so much cash on one day?( not a dig at you KD, just a general observation.) My wedding was as cheap as chips, we had a great time, and didn't begin our married life saddled with debt. I watched that new wedding show on living (in the hope that it would be as good as come dine with me...it wasn't) and some daftees claimed to be spending £77K on their wedding. Disgusting. 'Tis Most weddings I've been to are like Groundhog Day- different location, same old shit. By the end, the bride and groom are invariably knackered/arseholed/divorced. Me and Mrs Fist were sat by a waterfall, on our own, by 5:00 pm on our day. family and friends had the party without us. One of the most extravagant weddings I went too, the marriage lasted less than 6 months as the debt tore them to shreds. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=631864 That's the style Man!
  9. They serve Steer in Manchester? Where where where?
  10. Cheap engagement rings, hired suits... Tight bastard tbh I don't really get why folk feel it necessary to blow so much cash on one day?( not a dig at you KD, just a general observation.) My wedding was as cheap as chips, we had a great time, and didn't begin our married life saddled with debt. I watched that new wedding show on living (in the hope that it would be as good as come dine with me...it wasn't) and some daftees claimed to be spending £77K on their wedding. Disgusting. 'Tis Most weddings I've been to are like Groundhog Day- different location, same old shit. By the end, the bride and groom are invariably knackered/arseholed/divorced. Me and Mrs Fist were sat by a waterfall, on our own, by 5:00 pm on our day. family and friends had the party without us. One of the most extravagant weddings I went too, the marriage lasted less than 6 months as the debt tore them to shreds.
  11. Cheap engagement rings, hired suits... Tight bastard tbh I don't really get why folk feel it necessary to blow so much cash on one day?( not a dig at you KD, just a general observation.) My wedding was as cheap as chips, we had a great time, and didn't begin our married life saddled with debt.- That was 10 years ago- crippled now!
  12. Cheap engagement rings, hired suits... Tight bastard tbh I don't really get why folk feel it necessary to blow so much cash on one day?( not a dig at you KD, just a general observation.) My wedding was as cheap as chips, we had a great time, and didn't begin our married life saddled with debt.
  13. no, aMURRRRRRDARRRRRRRRR (easy quiz- who was "taggarts" real life brother?) i know......... old
  14. Does the Tanners still do "Newcastle's top Dub night on a Wednesday" btw? not a feckin clue mate. Dub and Dinner tho- top combo!
  15. Black Door at the Biscuit Factory- pricey but absolute quality. And you can have a beverage at the Tanners 1st brag brag.............
  16. Pretty much everything at every level was wrong at Newcastle when he came in, this was compounded by the owner/chairman not taking any steps to correct it, which is why every manager on the planet turned it down before JFK was asked. Some of the main pressures he had to work under; * He only had a short term contract, so had no power or respect the job should have come with. * The club was for sale. The uncertain future would have made motivating/galvanising the squad very hard. * Fan/player bemusement at his appointment. Most said 'who?'. * Everyone wanted Keegan back and thought his appointment was ridiculous and very temporary. * Constant media ridcule (e.g. saying he turned up to train when the players were off). * The squad was tiny injury ridden squad that had no creativity. The list goes on, but my point is he took on a job no f*cker would, so show him a bit of respect. No. Fuck off JFK you pissy old tramp. Dontcha just love reasoned debate?
  17. Whoops! Congratulations from me too!
  18. If I buy one il have to buy one for the best men and ushers too! How flush do you think I am? Errr, flush enough to have a wedding with ushers?
  19. And not a single Pic of Joplings or the New Monkey! Who'da thunk it?
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