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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Monkeys Fist


    My street is full of little bastards constantly bouncing balls of cars/ Walls ( mine included), the school fields just up the road are pretty busy too like. People need to read the Daily Mail less and walk around their community more. I walk my little girl before bathtime, the little "chavs" locally are actully sound, very polite, and funny. All you need do is talk to them.
  2. Monkeys Fist


    This is one of the things that really got to me. I'd got to the point where i'd accepted relegation and started thinking, you know what with Shearer and Dowie sorting the cub out from top to bottom and having the full suppost of us fans, with some of the crap shifted and some younger, hungrier players identified by Big Al coming in alongside the better players we kept we could have a season where we won games, scored goald and did well, remember those days! A quick promotion ending up with a better squad than we went down with and a hcance to quickly build again with more money and Ashley the cunt wrecked all of that and plunged us into a state i never imagined possible, i really do hope something fucking horrible happens to him! these two posts sum it up for me- even after going down, there was a crumb of optimism left in most of our hearts. Now it's just empty Mike Ashley- I hope you end up homeless, sucking cocks for cheap cider.
  3. Nothing the fat waste of skin does now would surprise me. As a side note, how shit that neither Fatty or Lamearse bothered turning up yesterday, and only Harper and Krul from the Squad! Hang your heads in shame NUFC, the fucking lot of you!
  4. No one cares about America though, all their sports are wank so it's natural they stick football events on, I could say the same about it showing the pulling power of the nfl that SKY have it in Britain, but that's wrong too because everyone knows it's shite. There's a definite mental problem with anyone who can look someone in the eye and say american football is good. Fucking Hell man Stevie- can you not give it a rest just for Sir Bobby's thread? The lad was only trying to say SBR is respected worldwide FFS.
  5. Second that. Nothing else makes sense. To paraphrase Sherlock H;"when all possibilities have been elimi­nated what remains, no matter how im­probable, must be the answer."
  6. watched Anvil at the weekend- excellent. Tragic(mainly), Hilarious(unintentionally?), as the blurb says, it's real life Spinal Tap.
  7. None at all. Now St James' Holdings well thats a different matter, they've acquired quite a bit of land in the last couple of years.... *allegedly Is it possible for Fatty to sell the club and retain ownership of the land/leases etc? I'd imagine so, just whatever is agreed in the sale. Other than; Stadium Academy Training Ground What else does the club/St.James Holdings own? Anyone know? I remember the land St.James Metro is on being reputedly ours/his.
  8. None at all. Now St James' Holdings well thats a different matter, they've acquired quite a bit of land in the last couple of years.... *allegedly Is it possible for Fatty to sell the club and retain ownership of the land/leases etc?
  9. R.I.P. Harry Plans announced today for a special service to remember the WW1 generation this autumn.
  10. To be fair, it was the best run made on the SJP pitch for a couple of seasons, little wonder they were confused.
  11. Brian Johnson has just come 2nd on Top Gear driving thingy!
  12. Sir Les, Shearer, Pedro, Bob Lee, Johnny Beresford...... Can we have our old team back please?
  13. He's brought it on himself TWICE now. We'd never have been relegated last season if he'd not taken probably the most self-destructive route possible post-Keegangate. Yet he learnt absolutely nothing from that debacle and is busy repeating most of the same idiocy now. He's 1% businessman and 99% fuckwit. Where's this 1% come from Fopper?
  14. Don't forget, Phil Collins on your i-pod!
  15. No surprises, eh? Self defence my arse- he pulled the guys jumper over his head before he started swinging, Fucking Coward.
  16. Here's one specially for you Accadacca, since you clearly live on another planet. Delivered in a way you might understand: 2 years ago Ashley came along, saying to NUFC Let Me Put My Love Into You. Nights in the Bigg Market were spent by the portly owner saying Have a Drink on Me to the adoring fans and other Riff Raff . What Do You Do For Money Honey, we asked? Turns out he sold knock down sportswear. Having an Overdose of optimism it was Love at First Feel for many of us. Soon, Fat Sam had Gone Shootin, and Keegan was Back in Black(&White).We were Spellbound. Our erstwhile owner was even spotted Breaking the Rules with a pint in the stands at Arsenal. Sadly our optimism was misplaced.In short order, Fat Mike had installed Little Dennis, our very own Problem Child, and sure enough, Keegan was soon to have his own Night of The Long Knives.Although we implored him Baby, Please Don't Go,begged him to Stick Around, he had little choice but to Ride On . (The saga of his Down Payment Blues still to be decided in the courts) .This was only the beginning of the Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap. Our journey along the Highway to Hell began gathering momentum with the appointment of JFK- Hells Bells, the cockney Live Wire! . We were turning from a Football Club into pure Show Business and the media began to Inject the Venom.Once loved by other fans, we became Sin City in the eyes of many. Any thoughts of Europe were swiftly Snowballed. The once popular Ashley was now a Soul Stripper, and fans were asking Gimme a Bullet for the Fat One. Following JFK’s laughable ‘nice little run’ , the untinkable became a reality- we could GO DOWN. We needed players with Big Balls, prepared to inject some HighVoltage into their game. Bottom end of the table isn’t a place for Beating Around the Bush, its Dog Eat Dog. England’s Michael Owen helped things enormously by making it plain to the club that You Aint Got A Hold On Me, which matched with his inability to Shoot to Thrill proved a Touch too Much. We discovered It’s A long To the Top, especially when you allow Villa to Walk All Over You in the last game of the season. So here we are, in the Champeenship, it Aint No Fun ( Waitin Round For a New Millionaire), all our dreams have been Shot Down In Flames. Cheers Mike- In comparison to where we are now, Hell Aint A Bad Place To Be. (with apologies to Messrs Scott, Young & Johnson for sullying their work with Ashley)
  17. When love Breaks down - Prefab Sprout
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