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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Met Office severe weather warning today. Pissio!
  2. Look on the bright side tho. Shearer on MOTD = no Lawrenson!
  3. Probably for the best to be honest, wouldn't have liked it to have turned into an ashley protest, would have ruined the evening completely. The press would have had a field day had it happened. Aye, maybe you're right. He's still a Fat Cunt tho.
  4. Why did C4 fuck around with the programming of it so much? Cracking show mind.
  5. Given that neither Llamearse or Fat cunt turned up ,are you really surprised?
  6. How odd to find Laz posting pics of big black pussys.
  7. Aye, its on Bravo, watched it once; just shows you the making of porn and some geeks get to tag along. Did you now? I am 16. You want to be careful with all that, you only get a bucket and a half you know. Spot the Dad in this exchange
  8. Dallas was actually canny good. Pure cheese but hilarious with it. Larry Hagman man I quite admired Victoria Principal, JR was a proper Texan twat, Cliff Barnes did nothing apart from slag JR off and order Chinese take-aways with his lass. you mean don't you? Preferred Bobby tbh. Webbed Fingers
  9. Quality. Went to school with the lad who's house was the outside location for Bob's house.(Bannockburn in Highfields Estate, Killingworth)
  10. Dallas was actually canny good. Pure cheese but hilarious with it. Larry Hagman man I quite admired Victoria Principal, JR was a proper Texan twat, Cliff Barnes did nothing apart from slag JR off and order Chinese take-aways with his lass. you mean don't you? Preferred Bobby tbh.
  11. I'll take your Space Age Greek Mythology , and raise you a 1000 year old Chinese Tale of lots of men running about with flags and swords.
  12. Dallas was actually canny good. Pure cheese but hilarious with it. Larry Hagman man I quite admired Victoria Principal, JR was a proper Texan twat, Cliff Barnes did nothing apart from slag JR off and order Chinese take-aways with his lass. you mean don't you?
  13. I'm old enough I was more a Starky and Hutch fan as a kid Father of the Pride was very good too. The canines testes! Bada, bada,bada bada babadap bap bap bap bap bada daaaaa!
  14. Best theme tune for a kids programme ever. Gentlemen, I give you... Close, very close but space age Greek mythology just pips the splits and their Arabian Knights. We'll have to agree to disagree "Size of an elephant"
  15. The film responsible for arguably the BEST line ever; " I love the smell of Napalm in the Morning" although I guess that might be a whole other thread...
  16. You're right to scarper!! That was one awful series. Its class, there are some great one liners Oh forgot Friends in my list too, love it Are you a Friend of Dorothy?
  17. Best theme tune for a kids programme ever. Gentlemen, I give you...
  18. You're right to scarper!! That was one awful series. Is that that shite with 'Rodney' time travelling to WWII? Mrs.Fist used to give me the perfect pub excuse by watching that tripe
  19. Bugger and double Bugger, forgot about those two. It took me several years to see the Blues Brothers in its entirety. We'd usually put it on after nights out/in on the lash, and I never made it all the way through. I'd catch the start, middle , or end at various times, but never all at once
  20. Planet Earth..damn it! I forgot that one, bought the box set of that too. I meant the whole shebang, from Life on Earth onwards... bit of a cheat like
  21. Band of Brothers Sopranos Spooks Family Guy Monkey ( aah Tripitaka!!) Attenborough's Earth series'
  22. John Ryan, the creator of Captain Pugwash, died 24 July aged 88. RIP me hearties!
  23. I'm well aware of Dowie's record , and don't expect any miracles. Once again tho- who else is there? JFK?
  24. I can't recall Shearer ever giving the impression he considered himself a 'shoe-in'. As for his 'demands', my reading of that is that's what he and Dowie deemed necessary to get back into the PL. As has been stated in previous posts, the only one to express an interest is Shearer. Your 'perfect world' scenario laid out in the post above is pure fantasy. It assumes Fatty has an interest on running the club- he's already demonstrated that isn't the case. The facts are that even of we got Alex Ferguson, never mind his son, we'd struggle to make an impact this season. Ashley has lumbered us with a heavy disadvantage before a ball has been kicked in anger. Shearer and Dowie are, for me, the only credible option ,who have shown interest ,that we have. And he's not the Messiah.... He's a very naughty....... Nah, I won't. It's beyond jokes now. Just fucking infuriating.
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