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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Nice straight answer there Fopper. Try again Stop smoking - the improved blood supply to your brain may help. Smoking's cool as feck, especially for chimps. Try again, who, if any ,do you boycott. If neither you, Chris or Fish can work out the answer..... then Parky will. The world awaits Parky......... since the rest of us; a) are thick as mince really ,really care
  2. BBC- " What would be a suitable location for a night scene street chase?" Fish- points out window " Over there, Giz a job"
  3. What Fucking Corvette????????????????????????????????????????????????????????// ... the fifth mode of trasnport in your first post Its a fucking corvette, as it says C O R V E T T E!!!!!!!
  4. I have a mental picture of you in a Humvee, spinning rims, wearing a smoking jacket and puffing on a Meerschaum
  5. What Fucking Corvette????????????????????????????????????????????????????????// The one that looks like a Lancia......... Howay man, keep up
  6. Something like a Bentley or Roller more suitable d'you reckon?
  7. Nice straight answer there Fopper. Try again Stop smoking - the improved blood supply to your brain may help. Smoking's cool as feck, especially for chimps. Try again, who, if any ,do you boycott.
  8. Take the lipstick off and she has the same mouth and chin as Eric Gates. Spot on like!
  9. Julia Bradbury- I am your stalker
  10. Reg Vardy- as stated earlier, as much for the homophobic, creationist fool of a son as the obvious mackem connection Sports Direct- have a guess 3 mobile phone company-cunts would not cancel a contract on the death of a relative, even after sending death certificate and coroners reports etc. Nestlehave done for years, strengthened by Mark Thomas programme on their dodgy baby milk in africa practises I too am waiting with baited breath for the "Italian Brand" response from Stevie
  11. "JinkyGenius says: September 4, 2009 at 8:54 am The problem with the argument is summed up perfectly in an exchange between Martin Sheen’s character (Willard) & Marlon Brando’s character (Kurtz) in Apocalypse Now. For Kurtz read Mike Ashley, for Willard read a confused lifelong Magpie fan: Willard: They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your methods were unsound. Kurtz: Are my methods unsound? Willard: I don’t see any method at all, sir. " The Ashley years in 3 lines-genius Anyone here the poster?
  12. would you consider taxi- driving? thats what i did while at Northumbria. flexible hours, not too taxing physically or mentally, suited me.
  13. you know where he got the gear from Jimbo? my screen is cracked.... http://www.iphone-repairs.co.uk/ Cheers mate- Gent.
  14. you know where he got the gear from Jimbo? my screen is cracked....
  15. I think the fact that the main couple of people on the council are makems could change that view. Mind, Id be worried if I was in the boxes below, over 40% of the crowd in that level? each on average having drunk three pints? could be bother there like considering a good chunk of them are kids. Less than 40% you mean (20000/52000)*100 = 38.46% I was just ballparking from 36,000 pre expansion to 52,000 and attributing it all to the extra level, which (you're right) would still be an exagerration. The 12 pints piss-heads like me have on a matchday would cover 3 kids though. I reckon a 3 pint average would be about right. I can't even remember the last time I had 12 pints before a game, I'm usually a feeble 6 on a Saturday now, or 3 or 4 midweek games. I can't remember the last time I had 12 pints pre-match. My pals tell me I had a whale of a time tho.
  16. If I'm reading it right, not bad(I am onto my 2nd bottle of red mind). Should've just shagged his lass tho.
  17. This division is woeful, and even with a squad of 15 first teamers backed up with another 6/7 young hopefuls, promotion will be achieved very very comfortably. This is not arrogance or delusion - this is based on knowledge of the fact that we have far too much quality in a veritable sea of mediocrity. Your right ofcourse but the crowd outweigh the crowd. Arise from your slumber Go to Starbucks Inhale deeply
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