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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. should've posted this at 09:09 a.m. tbh
  2. Agreed The photographer lass was fit mind Seemed to me like they were trying to cram to much stuff into one episode. That wee parrot too
  3. too late was the cry..... It was last night mate
  4. Where has this new admin/mod spot come from like? craig resigned... Craigs a shareholder though. Shareholder > Admin > Mod Although I might be missing something Article 2:45b of the Official Toontastic Rools 1) public resignations are final and binding 2) …unless an Extraordinary Meeting of all Shareholders,Admins, and Mods is held in the secret forum, the outcome of which must be unanimous. 3) since the likelihood of 2) ending unanimously is lower than shark shite, rule 4) applies 4) Shareholder status , and all related priveliges, are null and void the moment Teddy makes contact with the floor.
  5. What happened then like Stevie? Haway man, don't you remember? btw Mackem ?
  6. What happened then like Stevie? Haway man, don't you remember? btw Mackem ?
  7. Dissolution - C.J.Sansom great read
  8. What happened then like Stevie? Not a true fan
  9. I'm off work Thursday and Friday, because I'm cool But I'll definitely be up for a pint, whereabouts will you be? you'll be too busy moderating on here, now that Craig's had a hissy fit, to be drinking pints , pal
  10. Fish,whilst I'm sure you're happy with the Cad of Cads, if you fancy a new avatar to reflect your new found status-
  11. Not counting the all time champ of Bacon and Egg stottie,chicken and bacon caesar salad baguette for me
  12. No.. good luck with the "job" btw Fish First day on the job; :redcard:
  13. You really should read the thread like Stevie. I noticed it last night- just couldn't be arsed to give the Spaccalicious one the oxygen of attention. Chriszy D could tho.
  14. So Fish , am I allowed to say that Ashley fucks babies for laughs? Or does it need nodding?
  15. So fuck, does that diminish the memory of 3000 who died in New York. Although the Iraqi deaths were obviously bad too, it's in bad taste mentioning it in this thread. What were you alluding to when you said "so many questions, so few answers". Genuine question. I was alluding to the fact no one definitively knows 100% without question why it happened. 99% of conspiracy theories can easily be dismissed, maybe this one can too, but there is a lot of aspects of the final report that were ambiguous to say the least. Prepare to be Fopped.
  16. You had me, until the last 6 words
  17. Auschwitz Ypres Gallipoli all gassed mate. All terrible. Don't really see the point you're making in the context of this post tho? …err scrub Gallipoli from that you get my point tho
  18. Auschwitz Ypres Gallipoli all gassed mate. All terrible. Don't really see the point you're making in the context of this post tho?
  19. Because it wasn't just Americans that died. Well not so much just Americans but probably not far off, either way it was indiscriminate murder and I'm in no way defending but contrary to popular belief it's not the worst thing in the world. What's going on in Afghanistan, Iraq and Darfur is in my opinion much much worse but nobody seems to give a toss. I think it's for a number of reasons-this was so well documented, transmitted live around the globe, not as polished news pieces but as it happened. I will never forget what I was doing when I first heard, and watching this programme has reminded me of the feelings I experienced that day. It also, like 7/7, was "close to home", it's context was easy to relate to forillions of people Afghanistan,Iraq etc doesn't have the same immedeacy or impact. I agree that on a pure body count, more have died on these countries, just commenting on the relevance of this programme. Btw, it's a fascinating piece of social documentary- The couple who are filming from their apartment and keep telling their young daughter to "go play in the other room, nothings wrong".
  20. Because it wasn't just Americans that died.
  21. Fuck me. Bianca from eastenders has just been on.
  22. Absolutely compelling. Watched it from the start. Shocking.
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