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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Some amazing shots there Fish. 2 Doors Down Old Longboat Dunstanburgh Castle Moonlight ..... stand out particularly for me. (take note King Harkiblahblahblah)
  2. Anyway I admire both bridges even if the wear bridge is a like a younger brother to the tyne one. http://www.this-is-sunderland.co.uk/ I've found this, possibly the best sunderland photography site on the web. Unable to post any of the pics directly on here due to the pics being displayed via flash player. Go to the section " The Interzone" 2nd picture -sums it up Seriously, If I knew nothing about sunderland, looking at that site I would come away with the impression that it was nowt but derelict buildings and bleak industrial decay. As I do know the place , I'd have to agree with your description(bolded).Sums the place up perfectly
  3. The look on Shola's face just before he takes the penalty for his hat-trick(at 01:58) Like a kid on Christmas morning
  4. How so? Thats a hard question to answer. Reported money troubles tied with his persona never quite seemed right. Given his history he should have got lots of things sorted and written down as guarantees. Just think he jumped a little too quickly. We'll never know and tbh i would rather they settled out of court. Sounds like doubt to me.
  5. Send in the clowns…… err… hang on, tried that , didn't work
  6. Is his Football Circus still running in Glasgow? I know it was struggling before he came back.
  7. Agreed I was just trying to be clever above. FAIL
  8. No. Smith can pass a ball forwards.
  9. Wasn't Khalid Sheikh Mohammed the man mainly behind it ? Top Ten name that.
  10. Monkeys Fist


    that reminds me of my old English teacher. He would get us to translate then perform whole sections of Shakespeare into Geordie. "Rurmeo, where you at ye daft Knacka? Alreet Juliette! Tits oot pet"
  11. Climb aboard the Accadacca special. Which one are you then CT? Top deck or that you st the door?
  12. Alan Curbishley? Yeah, he's entitled to fuck all either I wish I could leave my job in a childish strop and pocket £10m. Not to mention the same job I left in a childish strop 11 years ago. Gullible bastards, I could just take, take, take. fuckin barrel of laughs you are Sima.
  13. Construction on Wearmouth Bridge began 1927, opened 1929. Construction on Tyne Bridge began 1925, opened 1928. The first bridge at Wearmouth was built 1796, replacing a ferry. Prior to this the only bridge was at Chester le Street. The first bridge at Newcastle was built pre- Roman, with a bridge at the site constantly since then. Just a few facts to help you out King Harpingonabootadump.
  14. Penshaw Monument-Washington...... I used to work on Hind street in the early 90s. Every day i had to walk through the town centre- it was an absolute dump, to put it mildly. My current work takes me into sunderland on a fairly regular basis, as well as travelling into and working on buildings on a nationwide basis. The regeneration in the Sunniside area around the pictured square is to be commended, but its a very small area when compared to the town centre as a whole.The whole town centre needs knocking flat and rebuilding( with the exception of some of the older Victorian Buildings on Fawcett St and John St.) The "Landmark " buildings ,like the Echo Building(the new high rise beside the wee tyne bridge in pics for those not aware) are really pretty average. I say that , not as a Geordie seeking to put the mackems down, but as someone with a professional and personal interest in innovative architechture. The National Glass Centre is a feckin embarrassment- missed a huge opportunity there mackem city council. If the proposed high rise tower gets the go ahead, I sincerley hope the council look at such examples as the Beetham Towers in Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester. when it comes to high rise towers , its the easiest thing in the world to make a monstrosity, harder to make a building people can admire. If you want to convince anyone on here about any merits of your wee backwoods outpost, you should be flagging up places like The Elephant Tea rooms, Corder House etc. The pics you have posted are really average. Take some better ones then come back and argue I didn't take one of those photos . I have a good resolution digital camera aswell, I might do just that well feck off and get busy then
  15. Penshaw Monument-Washington...... I used to work on Hind street in the early 90s. Every day i had to walk through the town centre- it was an absolute dump, to put it mildly. My current work takes me into sunderland on a fairly regular basis, as well as travelling into and working on buildings on a nationwide basis. The regeneration in the Sunniside area around the pictured square is to be commended, but its a very small area when compared to the town centre as a whole.The whole town centre needs knocking flat and rebuilding( with the exception of some of the older Victorian Buildings on Fawcett St and John St.) The "Landmark " buildings ,like the Echo Building(the new high rise beside the wee tyne bridge in pics for those not aware) are really pretty average. I say that , not as a Geordie seeking to put the mackems down, but as someone with a professional and personal interest in innovative architechture. The National Glass Centre is a feckin embarrassment- missed a huge opportunity there mackem city council. If the proposed high rise tower gets the go ahead, I sincerley hope the council look at such examples as the Beetham Towers in Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester. when it comes to high rise towers , its the easiest thing in the world to make a monstrosity, harder to make a building people can admire. If you want to convince anyone on here about any merits of your wee backwoods outpost, you should be flagging up places like The Elephant Tea rooms, Corder House etc. The pics you have posted are really average. Take some better ones then come back and argue
  16. I say that, yet it looks like I've caught the bait... Seriously though, they are good photos, and are brilliant aspects of Sunderland. If I done similar things to the other photos of tyneside in this thread, then I would be shot down in flames. 1) not really like, they're average pics at best. The first and third are just different shots of the same square. A park, a small version of the Tyne Bridge, a folly in Washington,some paddles, and a cafe /art centre (located very close to the two shots of the square). 2) course you would you tit- its an Nufc board & you are a mackem
  17. 6 games in- long long way til season is over. Pipe down.
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