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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Looks like she's staring out of Judith Chalmers' bumhole tbh.
  2. You don't security clearance to be mouthing off like this! I have carefully nurtured my online persona as an inconsequential tit with nothing of note to say, and you very nearly go and blow my cover in one post! Back to Freemason Academy for you Agent Parky
  3. You don't security clearance to be mouthing off like this! Pipe down Agent Parky- misdirection is the key!
  4. Choices choices eh? Whatever you go for , have a good one. Enjoy the gluhwein.
  5. If you're lucky! Fnarr fnarr gak!
  6. Tucking her cock between her legs there. You'd still Poker Face though.
  7. Zell am Zee is a top spot in Austria. Get as many lessons before you go as possible- more time free on the slopes.
  8. Aye, i might have to go down that route i think. Never skateboarded much though as a young 'un. If you're starting from scratch, snowboarding is your choice. Assuming you're away for a week, you'll need a day, maybe day and a half , to pick up the basics. Skiing will take you the whole week ,getting pissed off at some smarmy French instructor who's more interested in tapping your bird than teaching you to ski. Where are you going?
  9. Forget skiing mate. Takes ages master. Snowboarding is piss easy by comparison, if you've ever surfed or skate boarded it'll be even easier. It's also far easier to get to the stage where you can go off piste, which is the Ferrari to on piste's Lada.
  10. The future is the Teleporting mobile phone. Also, we'll all wear shiny one-piece bodysuits and have meals in pill form I know this to be true.
  11. Fair point. Still an utter mentalist. His aim in the show is to fly/stylishly fall the Matterhorn. Gets arrested during his preparations for base jumping the Empire State.
  12. Seen YouTube clips of this guy. He jumps off cliffs and flys a mile or two horizontally before landing. 1st part of a 5 parter on adrenaline junkies
  13. http://michaelleggesblog.blogspot.com/ sack Jonathon Ross immedeately. Give this guy the job.
  14. Excellent! You should pop across to the mackem site and let them have a look - their vitriolic replies should keep them busy for a few days. (btw, I was surprised to see their attendance was down 9k on Satdee )
  15. Rename the thread? Bang tidy sluts seek men for Quiz Fuck Fest. Will there be a music round btw Meenzer?
  16. Mrs Fist is right. I NEVER say I'm from the North East when I'm down South, I say I'm from Newcastle. I'm not proud of the North East, I'm proud of Newcastle. The old county of Northumberland redeems everything South of the Tyne, but I'm embarrassed to share the same geographical area as those people in that town which is all it is. Amen to that The Reverend Stevie speaks righteous truth
  17. Mrs. Fist works in sunderland. She's a bit of a hippy type, always willing to see best in people. I warned her that she would find the mackems in general a blight on humanity, but she wouldn't have it. Thought I was blinkered due to the football rivalry etc. Within a fortnight of her starting her job, she was calling them sub-human Neanderthals and said she had never come across an entire town without a single redeeming feature.
  18. Twat would no doubt interupt her lines.
  19. Alan Curbishley? Yeah, he's entitled to fuck all either I wish I could leave my job in a childish strop and pocket £10m. Not to mention the same job I left in a childish strop 11 years ago. Gullible bastards, I could just take, take, take. There's no way you'd beat McDonalds in court. Beaten!
  20. Is it a tough life, being an escort? It's no Fiesta, I mean, you really have to Focus... It's no fun for the John's either, you Mustang around corners if you want to Explorer Shoot yourself....... In the head........ Now
  21. Absolutely- what a total rim licker
  22. Anyway I admire both bridges even if the wear bridge is a like a younger brother to the tyne one. http://www.this-is-sunderland.co.uk/ I've found this, possibly the best sunderland photography site on the web. Unable to post any of the pics directly on here due to the pics being displayed via flash player. Go to the section " The Interzone" 2nd picture -sums it up Seriously, If I knew nothing about sunderland, looking at that site I would come away with the impression that it was nowt but derelict buildings and bleak industrial decay. As I do know the place , I'd have to agree with your description(bolded).Sums the place up perfectly I used to work in Sunderland and it's not nice saying somewhere that people have to live is a shithole, but that's what it is. Mossside, Toxteth, The Heartlands, Bermondsey, The Gorbals, Leith, Hackney and Manningham are all places I'd rather live than Sunderland. I am truly stunned :lol:
  23. You have pics of Fopper? Get em posted(NSFW,of course)
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