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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. You been taking Fish lessons? no pics here
  2. Monkeys Fist


    bumpy I've got one, btw "My French Canadian boyfriend has a little patch of hair at the base of his spine, his Scottish ex-mother-in-law told him that meant he was a descendant of Genghis Khan." I have this... Mongoloid FYP I was going to ask your French Canadian b/fs name Pascale, if you're asking. Lovely. bet he thinks your hairy bum spot is divine
  3. Once worked at an outdoor centre where the schizo cook would lock herself in the kitchen and play this track over and over through the P.A. ( which was, bizarrely , controlled from the kitchen). The mere mention of it sends shivers down my neck
  4. Monkeys Fist


    bumpy I've got one, btw "My French Canadian boyfriend has a little patch of hair at the base of his spine, his Scottish ex-mother-in-law told him that meant he was a descendant of Genghis Khan." I have this... Mongoloid FYP I was going to ask your French Canadian b/fs name
  5. Have we stumbled on the secret forum?
  6. Monkeys Fist


    bumpy I've got one, btw "My French Canadian boyfriend has a little patch of hair at the base of his spine, his Scottish ex-mother-in-law told him that meant he was a descendant of Genghis Khan." I have this... Monger
  7. Monkeys Fist


    bumpy I've got one, btw
  8. is there such a thing as RehApp?I need time away. No, No, No, But I love my Blaaaaake! anyway,if we're on the Winehouse puns, rumour is you Wake Up Alone, so button it Piscis Piscis Puer
  9. is there such a thing as RehApp?I need time away.
  10. Sly Stone, the fruitiest Fruit Loop on the planet
  11. Monkeys Fist


    ould twisty back Dick?
  12. Yes. And hats. when he's not rawking out
  13. if you like that, try Harbor Master ! Nooooooooooooo must..........resist.............must...............get.........a............... .life
  14. Whoever it was recommended Flight Control( you know who you are Jimbo), Thanks a bundle! I'm feckin hooked bastards!
  15. Monkeys Fist


    Nee body got a cuddy like? Aa'll swap me allotment. ??
  16. Aye Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, Big Bopper......... Coincidences? I think not!!!
  17. Monkeys Fist


    Mackembeth? Thats more like it!
  18. wwwfishforgigs.com I'll accept a 10% naming fee Thangew
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