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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’m sure many of you fine fellows shared my concern for the welfare of Sabrina once her star waned… Don’t worry Al- fucking- dente !
  2. Hates it when I call him The Groom of the Stool.
  3. Used to work with a lad who’s nickname was Ahab. 2 pints and his beer goggles were set to extreme, he couldn’t keep away from land whales.
  4. Just this once I’ll deign to reply to you savages who go shit spelunking. My heavily muscled physique, combined with my ridiculously generously endowed meat and potatoes, technically counts as a disability, meaning I must raise my gluteus from the seat to ensure a clean swipe. Not fully standing, more like Alberto Tomba of the scatalogical hygiene world. Glad to see we’ve picked up a couple of waifs from last nights welcome party. My shed is always open.
  5. It’d certainly stop the friend requests from lost12yr olds in Alabama who think this place is about cartoons.
  6. I blame Curtis Mayfield, the funky, dead, cunt.
  7. You can have him if you want, we’ll pay you. Five dollah
  8. “ …must we fall into the jabber and babel of discord while victory is still unattained?” —Sir Winston Churchill.
  9. What’s the consensus in the WhatsApp group?
  10. It’s his daughter’s Pat, Ella I feel sorry for.
  11. I’m not convinced it happened tbh. Think he was telling fibias
  12. You really shouldn’t be ribbing him about it.
  13. “ My dog has no nose!” ” How does he eat his beans?” ” He doesn’t -he puts them back in the tin” ” FUCK OFF! “
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