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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Had one in a flat we lived in in Wallsend. Very noisy in a bedroom. pricey to buy a fortune to run. They do work though. I'd say buy a 2nd hand one, but the markets dried up
  2. Think this needs a 1) would go nuts deep 2) not even with yours poll.
  3. Note the Easy Access Flap in this one ( a Flaps Flap?)
  4. I'd like to take this opportunity to announce some great news for Hull. Tanfastic ( 235 High st. Hull) have installed new tubes throughout their entire range and now offer a free False Nail session with every 10 tanning sessions.
  5. Good on you Rusty for taking the time to post your thoughts. Once you've peddled Royston I wish your team all the best. I think yesterday was a credit to both sets of fans and , of course, Sir Bobby.
  6. 2 pages in and no response from Stevie. Hova devastated.
  7. Not ashamed to admit " abide with me" was huge lump in the throat time. Great result. Piss poor opposition. Roys dog has an icepack on it's lipstick this morning.
  8. The future's shite- the future's orange.
  9. Club owned by out of towner sued by out of towner over power struggle with out of towner football director. Case to be decided by out of towners. Discuss.
  10. For the sake of one letter the tabloids could've had a field day- " Iranian Missiles Buried in Depths of Qim"
  11. I've started many European odysseys stood at these services with my thumb out.
  12. Bangers ,Mash, Onion Gravy. She even brought me a cold beer with it.
  13. I heard he's demanding to meet Barack Obama, or no deal. Fat Ash offered tea with Desmond Tutu, but Keegan (aka Messiah) was having none of it. As a last throw of the dice, LardAsh tempted KK (aka The One True Living God) with a month's swimming lessons with Duncan Goodhew. Keegan (aka one of the only men who has a true feel for the club) almost caved in, but at the eleventh hour went back to his meeting with B.O. as the only option he would accept. That's what a club insider told me, anyway. Redheugh told me that last week tbh
  14. ??? I worked there until just under a month ago. Ouch.
  15. Never understood solicitors myself. Seller: You'll need to promise you'll buy it. Buyer: I promise Seller: And you have the money? Buyer: Yeah sorted Seller: Sign here then. House sold Bish Bosh Bash I think they do slightly more than that.. Legally rob us? Hold monies to reap interest, delaying handovers of keys etc? General Twattery. I sense you have been burnt in the past. The Force is strong in one so young! Correct btw
  16. well said Pud now can we put this thread to bed?
  17. Least we dont fiddle our CV's. too busy fiddling your taxes and the meter.
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