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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. But it IS sometimes visible when one is mooned. apparently the best place to view Uranus is Bruneii.
  2. When is it though? 5.30PM on the moon. Europa? Keegan, Shearer and Jesus are going to have a dance off judged by Barry Moat, Geoff Sheard,Frankie Lee and Judas Priest and the winner gets to lift the F.A Cup in May. Only one Messiah can win! Who will it be? Tune in at the end of the week to find out
  3. 2 minutes til Redheugh reveals............... nowt?
  4. let him use his pods as dumbells? *fopsessed*
  5. You have half an hour in a locked room with the odious dwarf. What would you like to do? I would have every penny he's taken from NUFC, in pound coins. Then make him eat the lot.
  6. Dont get me wrong, I know exactly what you mean but I think the days of us hoping for a billionaire are long gone. Yes there may be one two or three years down the line appear but at the moment we dont have that luxury. Would you rather wait around under the leadership of the Keystone Kops or have it sold to someone who "hopefully" will run it properly and get us sitting somewhere in the Prem season on season making us more likely for either additonal investment or a further sale to one of these lovely billionaires. Personally, I worry about the billionaire bit, someday sometime they will get bored and move onto the next plaything, where will that leave Chelsea, Man City and the likes? What Pud said. The facts are we are being run into the ground by a bunch of wide boys and charlatans. He has made it clear there's no more investment. I'd much rather take a chance with the "local business men" and supporters trust than stay with the current lot- that's only going one way. The days of flinging £10 million on this player and £12 million on that are long gone for the foreseeable future. Better to have someone with lesser resources initially but the nous to realise we essentially need to start again. Develop our own players etc. Granted there are no guarantees that Moat that person, but the alternative of Fatty staying around fiddling whilst NUFC burns is just too awful to think about.
  7. I wonder whether Keegan was just looking more money or wanted to carry on in order to clear his name properly, I guess we'll never know. W Ashleys offer would have had loads of 'commercial' strings attached. Probably involving Wise handing over a large comical cheque. He filled for 25m so what makes you think otherwise? What are your thoughts on Owen , Phil? He lost his pace and passion and never really felt like our player. I don't hold a grudge against him, but watching him sit on the bench at man-u while Defoe is scoring for fun does make me laugh. so you have no strong feeling either for a guy who cost the club over £40 million and,through lack of effort, had a direct effect on us being relegated, yet you think a man who cost the club a liitle under £3 million and did everything he could to improve us is a moneygrabbing scumbag? Nice logic there fella.
  8. Opening line "Mike Ashley could sell Newcastle by the end of next week" not heard that before. I'm all a quiver.
  9. He filled for 25m so what makes you think otherwise? What are your thoughts on Owen , Phil?
  10. Henry Winter: Newcastle United board pay price for undermining manager By Henry Winter Last Updated: 10:10PM BST 02/10/2009 When Kevin Keegan was told by Dennis Wise to check out Ignacio Gonzalez on the internet, the then Newcastle United manager must have felt the phrase YouTube rather neatly summed up the club's executive director (football). PA Happier times: Former Newcastle United manager Kevin Keegan sits with owner Mike Ashley Wise's interference in Keegan's team-building plans was resented by the manager at the time and deservedly ridiculed by a tribunal on Friday. So forget the £2 million awarded to Keegan as his due compensation for constructive dismissal. What Keegan really won was a principle beyond price. Dressing room 1 Boardroom 0. The former manager of Newcastle has now shown that it can be wrong legally, let alone ethically, for directors to meddle in team affairs. By signing an unknown Uruguayan against the manager's will, the Newcastle board broke Keegan's contract and have now paid for their arrogance. An emotional but honourable type, Keegan may not have been the greatest manager in history, as those who have chronicled his teams' meltdowns will concur, but he will be royally toasted at the next League Managers' Association dinner. Friday was a significant moment in managerial rights. Kevin Keegan: the Emily Pankhurst of the dugout. It is one thing advising a manager against buying a troublesome player because he could damage the club's image, as one distinguished board successfully did over Joey Barton, but quite another foisting a footballer on an unwilling manager. That is the road signposted "madness''. No wonder Keegan was so angry when talking after Newcastle's 3-0 defeat to Arsenal at the Emirates on Aug 30, 2008. The transfer deadline was looming and Keegan knew that Wise and Tony Jimenez, Newcastle's vice-president (player recruitment), were negotiating to bring in Gonzalez on loan from Valencia. Keegan kept shrugging his shoulders when asked whether he talked to Wise, whether he felt undermined, whether arrivals were his choice. Five days later, he resigned. Keegan wears his heart on his sleeve, and his departure was depicted in certain quarters as the remaining toys flying out of a familiar pram launching site, yet he had every justification to rail against Wise, Jimenez and the club's owner, Mike Ashley. Boards must trust their manager's judgment. Look at the leading lights in the nation's technical areas over the past few seasons: Sir Alex Ferguson, Arsène Wenger, Rafael Benítez, David Moyes and Martin O'Neill. None would tolerate interference. Some have bought occasional pups but most invest shrewdly. If a board does want to get involved, it should focus on the manager. Either back him or sack him. Newcastle fans will not know whether to howl with laughter or fury over the claim that their club signed Gonzalez "to 'do a favour' for two South American agents'', according to Keegan. Managers cannot be saddled with unwanted players simply because the club want to keep some middle-men happy. At least the meddle-men were put in their place by Keegan yesterday. Love the opening paragraph- you tube!
  11. You gotta get out of this place if it's the last thing you ever do. With apologies to Eric Burdon ( love the 5 point 2 btw Craig)
  12. You going back in time like?? He's got a Delorean. So its 3005? Aye, Keegan's still waiting for his £2 million. and Newcastle have not be been sold either. End of next millenia
  13. You going back in time like?? He's got a Delorean. So its 3005? Aye, Keegan's still waiting for his £2 million.
  14. If it's pissing it down, Honister Slate Mine is a dry visit. If not(pissing it) they have a via ferrata which is canny.
  15. My bastard parents actually took me there when I was eight.
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