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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. *but curses motion sensor*
  2. if it's a love fest then there is only one; Head Over Heels In Love- Kevin Keegan
  3. with cool personalised number plate, don't forget. JE5 U5. Traded in the Astra for a Chariot of Fire.
  4. Priapism might be embarrassing in front of 150 people like
  5. Do not under any circumstances use Local feckin Hero. I will hunt you down and piss in your eyes if you do
  6. Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division Great Gig in the Sky- Pink Floyd Ever Fallen in Love- Buzzcocks Stay With Me- The Faces
  7. I clearly have. Because when in the miserable group, the website doesn't load. I've already explained this in the thread. Weren't you a mod? Sorry like, I'm confused and a bit thick. If you're banned and the site doesn't load, how are you posting ? Because I made a new account... which clearly isn't banned or having problems loading- so what's the problem? That I don't know why my old one was banned... read the last few pages and have a wild stab in the dark. or move on you bloody woman
  8. I clearly have. Because when in the miserable group, the website doesn't load. I've already explained this in the thread. Weren't you a mod? Sorry like, I'm confused and a bit thick. If you're banned and the site doesn't load, how are you posting ? Because I made a new account... which clearly isn't banned or having problems loading- so what's the problem?
  9. I clearly have. Because when in the miserable group, the website doesn't load. I've already explained this in the thread. Weren't you a mod? Sorry like, I'm confused and a bit thick. If you're banned and the site doesn't load, how are you posting ?
  10. That would be lovely. No more half time pie.... Pint of flat piss in a plastic glass and fried meat pie please, extra chicken feet
  11. They already are, what do you think these green taxes are all about?? What was that story about the company that owned the rainwater and charged residents who used it? It was in South America. Guatamala or summat.... Yeah, that was the famous one I knew about, but try googling for it and you get other examples like this... In Colorado, Rain Barrels Are Illegal. Wonder how that applies to snow? Isn't Colorado major winter resort territory?
  12. The short ans is that people want caring capitalism but are too lazy to fight for it, unlike in the 80's.... and also that the right to public protest to raise awareness of issues was seriously curtailed by......... .... guess who?
  13. Where is the lovable wee rascal? I reckon he's been stuck in his World of Warcraft themed room, pinned to the floor by two 60kg dumbells. He's run out of second life dollars apprently. Virtual tramp- the shame.......
  14. Where is the lovable wee rascal? I reckon he's been stuck in his World of Warcraft themed room, pinned to the floor by two 60kg dumbells.
  15. You are either; 1) on the wind up 2) a Tory 3) so fucking dim you struggle with walking and breathing at the same time I'll assume it's 1)
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