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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. amazon If your reading table has a wobbly leg, you might fancy this:
  2. They come over here, eating our mice and using our litter, and can they speak English? No, bloody "Miaow" and that's if they bother to speak at all. ...and those evil looks they give you as they snuggle up for another nap. The country's going to Hell in a Handcart, and I blame the cats.
  3. They come over here, eating our mice and using our litter, and can they speak English? No, bloody "Miaow" and that's if they bother to speak at all.
  4. If he's done for Sports Direct fraud case, they could force him out(or withdraw the club from the League !) pages 9 &10 Running cartels and fraud. Well, that's a big 'if' for a start but again, I think it's one thing preventing someone from taking a club over and another thing altogether removing ownership from someone who has already bought a club. I really can't see it. These FA rules are all well and good in theory but I'd be very surprised to see them actually carried out in practice. Look at Portsmouth, for example. How many owners have they had this season? How many of them were 'fit and proper'. I'd love to say otherwise but I think it's a complete non-started apparently. I think it's just a case of hoping a buyer comes in because we're really in no position to force Ashley out. damn you and your realism
  5. Monkeys Fist


    Only if you don't sharpen them mind. I've always said you had knee crack.
  6. If he's done for Sports Direct fraud case, they could force him out(or withdraw the club from the League !) pages 9 &10 Running cartels and fraud. ( I'm no lawyer mind, probs wishful thinking from me)
  7. Aye. Quite apart from the virtual impossibility of implementing it , what would it achieve?
  8. Thats not the point fisty old boy.....Its the protest, the pr, the smell of daffodills covered in a warm misty dew........ I would disagree there. If they could get him out, then sign me up. If not, why bother? seems it would just piss the FA off.
  9. Do the FA have the power to remove him if he is deemed not to be a fit & proper person?
  10. Clever pr would get the abuse off some back pages and into the rest of the paper pressure might be levied to get the local rags to remove their noses from his arse and start there own get out of our city campaign. drip drip drip drip..... Get busy then CT
  11. 100million reasons why not. Protesting is the reason I turned up along with 250 others on that night over a year ago and its the reason why I and others stepped forward when it was needed. Its what we felt at the time was required, it soon transpired however that not everyone (or even many for that matter) felt the same. What we thought was the majority of fans turned out to be a vocal minority, getting abuse in the street while leafletting because people felt this bloke was the saviour of the club, having "financial stability" and "balance sheets" given as an argument for the fat man, being called worse than shit by fellow fans and then getting a police caution because the club didnt like what we were doing. Those Saturdays made me feel good, gave me a rush and a belief that I was helping gain something, that rush however only lasted for a Saturday afternoon by Sunday morning I was down again, frustrated by the lack of support and quickly realising it was having no effect on those it was aimed at but I did it because it was what I believed in and what I thought was needed. Its not what I believe is needed now though and, with the greatest of respect to the likes of yourself and others that feel the same way, I think Im qualified to say that because I was there doing the things you talk about at the time when it was needed, when it did have a chance of working. Were you? Did you take part at the time or where you one of the majority who believed we were doing more harm than good? The NUST are currently working with major players to try and get this club out of Ashleys grubby hands, to sit down in the boardroom on a Friday and talk about money, long term aims, sustainability and the ability of the fans to help run the club in a sensible and measured way and then on a Saturday pick up a banner and threaten to burn the place down does not mix. We'd be laughed out of the meetings and shunned by those we all need to make this happen. On top of that, where would we get the backing and promotion of the protests from? currently theres only one fanzine that supports the protest angle, True Faith. The other two big players (The Mag and .com) have made it clear that they dont believe that protests are the way forward and frankly its taken us long enough to get Biffa back on board. Lose them then both the protests and any fan ownership chances are dead in the water. More importantly though, its what Ashley wants. He knows he has zero credibility among fans and any he has elsewhere (except Wearside) is plummetting however once you start getting into a protest situation then some of those media outlets will turn and start portraying him in a different light. He wants to be able to turn around and issue another statement saying "you're all nasty to me, I know Ive made mistakes and Im not putting any more money in because of it" then he'll pull the "family at risk" card and a dozen muppets on NO will say hes hard done by and not such a bad bloke after all. He wants to discredit us fans as much as possible, just take a look at his last statement, the whole "I put £20m in each year, that more than the rest of you plebs put together" bollocks. This is now a game of wits, its a slow drawn out affair and one which cant be won by the side with the most muscle, it will be won however by the side that keeps its cool and works hardest. Ashley has bigger problems than Newcastle United, more pressing affairs than where our next win is coming from. Hes shitting bricks as far as business goes, hes caking it that he could be fined more than the value of this football club and could actually end up behind bars. Should that day ever come then there will be dancing on the streets of Byker until then I believe it has to be more of the same. Its going to be another cold hard winter. Cracking post that Pud. TBH when I posted my bit about protests last night I was seething. I knew as I was writing it that no more than a few hundred would ever get off their arses to do anything more than chant "Sack The Board" after a game. Still seething, but a bit more clear headed this morning. Ah well, back to fruitless frustrate-o-
  12. The minute he stepped out the box, his snout would be offside. (the old ones are the best)
  13. Sorry to piss on your bonfire but he's not at Bolton now because he was shite - and I mean truly shite. (I speak with authority, having witnessed a number of shite Bolton players amidst the gems in recent years.) I think you should go for him - big style. He'd fit in well here.
  14. .COM saying there was bother in our end tonight. Anyone see it?
  15. If he doesn't have it, he will scwweeeeeeaaaamm
  16. Although the odd one gets through the net. Indeed unfortunately Fish wasn't one that got away... *coat on* 1 The fuck I do to you?
  17. Go to Scunthorpe for your Stag and buy the iphone with the money saved. Don't say I never help you out
  18. That was said on N-O (I know!) it is abit extreme but we don't have to do all of them, as some will hurt the club before Ashley, i.e not buying tickets, but he does have a point. Basically we just need to be upping the anti on Ashley & co. way more than what we should be doing atm (the chant). The way I see it, Bououuoycotts and not buying pies etc does fuck all. Ashley only seems to react to bad publicity Any organised protest needs to gain maximum national coverage to be effective . That means it must be something out of the ordinary. Even a banner held up in the ground is pretty lame as far as news editors are concerned. My suggestion would be to choose a game with TV coverage- have not one, but several different organised "events". A march through town (there used to be a B&W tank knocking about Town, get that ), get on the roof of the stand and unfurl a banner just before kick off*, once the starting whistle is blown, everyone walk out. Maybe the NUST could help with the logistics? * This is my line of work and I would be happy to try it. If it's to be done, do it properly. ( Tom, if we did it once, properly organised, I don't think it would put off any serious bidders. As it is , I don't believe there are any)
  19. don't, not even as a joke.......... just don't
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