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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. It was a quote from Enouch Powell iirc. It was a quote from Mark Collett, BNP press officer, slating the shit out of Churchill for fighting the Nazis. The same Churchill they now claim as their own.
  2. Straw- I'm the justice minister, you have my permission to explain yourself. Brilliant.
  3. First ten minutes and he's sweating like a fat lass. Destroyed
  4. I would have thought that was obvious.
  5. BTW your avatars are getting weirder and weirder! I used to like that old man you had on this time last year. Who was he? Oswald Moseley. Are you sure? Ive just googled him and none of the pictures look like him. This was the old geezer with the straggly hair and beard (i think) might have been smoking I was taking the piss you half-wit. Come on then clever fucker...... Who was it? I know the one you mean CT. I think it was William Joyce.
  6. [quote name='Howmanheyman' date='Oct 22 2009, 06:06 PM' post='685663 (Really though, we should expect the most tackiest thing you can think of, then times it by two and that will probably be close to what FCB will palm on us.)
  7. On the shirts or down the neck? I'm with you on the second.
  8. What odds on Sports Direct all over our shirts if he stays?
  9. You should have been in that vote, would have been a 3 way split i reckon 2 cunts and a dwarf in a three way- Jimbo territory.
  10. Bit of a gamble that. He has no retail experience that I'm aware of.
  11. Would you have him back? Never in a million years
  12. what sets this place apart from other forums is the highbrow discussion of issues
  13. It'll teach you to keep your eyes shut when you
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