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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What's the worst that can happen? Signed
  2. The problem with some kind of protest is getting everyone to agree to it. Use this place as a microcosm. Out of say 30-40 regular posters, some are for it, some against, some are reasoned, some are "knee jerks". Trying to get 45,000 to agree to one course of action , and then doing it? Dream on.
  3. If the Fat One is still here, guess who our new striker will be 18 months from now.
  4. Life must have been hard as a fat poof?
  5. What camera did you use ? The one... in my mind.
  6. # Do you think NUFC fans realise the majority of the country are reveling in this "big club" with "the best fans in the world" dying on thier knees? Anyone shocked that Ashley took them off the market when they look set for promotion and subsequent rise in value is a muppet. by Ben # Yadda yadda yadda yadda. Whatevs. I don't know a single Newcastle fan - and I know quite a few - who refers to themselves as the best in the world. All they are is decent people who deserve a lot better from the idiots who run their football club. by CaulkinTheTimes at 10/29/2009 2:09:07 PM2:09 PM
  7. What camera did you use ?
  8. This any good for the Cover?
  9. Zappa references, in this thread? I'm impressed. Is Ashley the Central Scrutinizer?
  10. First, this is not an anti-NUST rant. Since it would seem that any chance of buying a stake is scuppered, why not campaign to raise the money needed to buy the name "ST.JAMES' PARK" on behalf of the fans? If other efforts can be made to dissuade potential sponsors , surely enough could be raised to satisfy the Fat Bastard's lust for cash? Just a thought.
  11. We're (TU) are trying to get something sorted. United we stand. Well thats good news but whatever it is needs to be right and not knee jerk. Seriously a few bus loads outside Sports Direct will get massive coverage. No one thing is going to work, it needs to be lots of relentless pressure on the bastard. Cheers CT. You've just cheered me up. Laughter is the best medicine.
  12. How that obscene excuse of a fucking human manages to sleep at night is fucking beyond me. What next? Change the bastard strip? Die slowly and painfully you horrible cunt. Protest time now, anyone?
  13. When the One World Govt. comes up with a bacon tree, they'll get my vote. Until then, Learn to swim Dear Grandchildren.
  14. Happy Birthday AP. Drink and be merry
  15. I presume that the word "continent" was implied. Fyp
  16. Loonytoon, what's your opinion on your new bridge?
  17. Two lads I know of not in a band at the moment. Call 0151 444 1960 ask for Paul or Ringo.
  18. Jesus wept Magma, did the old boiler you're banging at M & S tell you that? No got it Sickipedia. Just had a look there. Found this. I applied for a job at Childline the other day. Apparently, "I like listening to children's rape stories" is not an acceptable reason for employment. Yes, I laughed.
  19. Have good one Pud. Your last child free one, enjoy it while you can.
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