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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Since when has being sectioned been referred to as a job?
  2. I'm torn tbh- I think it's got the potential to be a fantastically positive change , not just for our club, but for football in general.The prospect of it coming off in the near future leaves me excited,very excited, The torn bit comes in because I haven't got two beans to rub together right now. The nearest I can realistically predict being able to invest anything is next summer. I sincerely hope this works, so that I can(invest). I have to say that I'm not in the least surprised at the negative posts- worrying about selection processes for Presidents???? lets get the club bought first ffs.
  3. Well said the last paragraph Trophyshy. This is our chance, and it seems a very well thought out scheme.
  4. Nailscockney.com@goal3theshitefest
  5. Not possible Wee Man He's got a degreeeeeeeee you know.
  6. They're my favourite dishes though, where you can hoy (within reason) what you like in and you have to be a moron to really fuck it up. Bolognese is the same. Actually, I wouldn't say no if anyone's got any bolognese/lasagna sauce tips - the recipes I've tried have been decent but lacking something and I'm buggered if I know what. If you can be arsed to make it, Demi-Glace stock is a great addition to most red meat based sauces. I make a batch up every few months and freeze it - you only need about a tablespoon per recipe.
  7. I said we were launching this week (tbf I may have incorrectly said Monday but I think it was decided to hold until Tuesday to see what went on at the weekend, protests etc), its tomorrow the official launch and even then though I wouldnt expect to see a nice big list of names and amounts, its not really something you should do, publish details of who has given what. Anyone pledging cash though has to pay 10% of it to the holding solicitors as "Proof of Funds", this way we remove those that are talking crap and have no intention/ no funds. Don't forget Pud, KD is the future owner of Blyth Spartans. Don't be giving away trade secrets to the opposition.
  8. Has the daft twat got a blue poppy?
  9. Monkeys Fist


    Mmmmmmmmmm Smooooooooth
  10. Monkeys Fist


    Try some Ben Webster and Coleman Hawkins. Chilled in the extreme.
  11. Accadacca - Toontastic's cyber Herpes. Welcome back you spaz.
  12. Early morning riser. Grrrrrrrrrr.
  13. For someone who obviously thinks of himself as intelligent and mature, you sound very juvenile with the "drugs are kool" shit. People in prisons and charvas on council estates do coke and pills ffs. Are they cool? I know you're not being serious and you're just trying to goad KD, but you're much more boring than you claim he is when you prattle on like this. Chill out man. Skin up.
  14. When the announcer does his " welcome....(opposition) to St James' Park, will the Fat Bastard make him say the abomination ?
  15. Monkeys Fist


    Happy birthday young whippersnapper. Bit late but , hey?
  16. Thanks for your kind words. I know already how hard it will be, sometimes when we are playing together and laughing I am already fearing the silence there will be when I'm back in England. Without a doubt this will be the hardest test I have ever faced and I must re-learn who I am and try and find some hapiness again. That is heartbreaking man! I sincerely hope both you and Jimbo find a way to cope.
  17. Love you too my little pissflap.
  18. What's that whooshing sound that just keeps on going? Quite aside from that, it's not like it's illegal to make the same point as someone else rather than ejaculating "Oh yes Kid Dynamite, I agree with everything you say, let me lick the winnits from your bumcrack". Only someone who desperately needs affirmation would get riled about that. You have sex with men tbh I love the way that little prejudice of yours comes out every time Meenzer pwns you. Hypocrite-tastic. Yeah but you dont choose to be black Being hermaseckshwell is a choice now?
  19. Bend over Mike, you may feel initial discomfort.
  20. Have a weekend in Argleton, Lancs. From Torygraph; Mystery of Argleton, the 'Google' town that only exists online By Rebecca Lefort Last Updated: 10:12AM GMT 02/11/2009 Argleton, a 'phantom town' in Lancashire that appears on Google Maps and online directories but doesn't actually exist, has puzzled internet experts. GOOGLE Google and the company that supplies its mapping data are unable to explain the presence of the phantom town and are investigating The town appears on Google Maps in the middle of fields close to the M58 motorway, just south of Ormskirk. Its 'presence' means that online businesses that use data from the software have detected it and automatically treated it as a real town in the L39 postcode area. An internet search for the town now brings up a series of home, job and dating listings for people and places "in Argleton", as well as websites which help people find its nearest chiropractor and even plan jogging or hiking routes through it. The businesses, people and services listed are real, but are actually based elsewhere in the same postcode area. Google and the company that supplies its mapping data are unable to explain the presence of the phantom town and are investigating. Tantalisingly, “Argle” echoes the word “Google”, while the phantom town’s name is also an anagram of “Not Real G”, and “Not Large”. One theory is that Argleton could have been deliberately added, as a trap to catch companies that violate the map's copyright. So-called "trap streets" are often inserted by cartographers but are, as their name suggests, usually far more minor and indiscreet that bogus towns. Roy Bayfield, head of corporate marketing at what would be Argleton's closest university, Edge Hill, in Ormskirk, was so intrigued by the mystery that he walked to the where the internet indicated was the centre of Argleton to check that there was definitely nothing there. "A colleague of mine spotted the anomaly on Google Maps, and I thought 'I've got to go there'," he said. "I started to weave this amazing fantasy about the place, an alternative universe, a Narnia-like world. I was really fascinated by the appearance of a non-existent place that the internet had the power to make real and give a semi-existence." When Mr Bayfield reached Argleton – which appears on Google Maps between Aughton and Aughton Park – he found just acres of green, empty fields. Joe Moran, an academic at Liverpool John Moores University and map expert, said: "It could be a deliberate error so people can't copy maps. Sometimes they put in fictional streets as the errors would prove they were stolen. I haven't heard of it before on Google Maps." A spokesman for Google said: "While the vast majority of this information is correct there are occasional errors. We're constantly working to improve the quality and accuracy of the information available in Google Maps and appreciate our users' feedback in helping us do so. People can report an issue to the data provider directly and this will be updated at a later date." The data for the programme was provided by Dutch company Tele Atlas. A spokesman said it would now wipe the non-existent town from the map. He added: "Mistakes like this are not common, and I really can't explain why these anomalies get into our database."
  21. Bastard! Was just about to go to bed :nufc:
  22. I like Chocolate, wanking and dwarfs.. Be my friend Who am I?
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