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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. i'm checking for the adams apple on that one like! It'll be about 18-20 inches above her cock.
  2. Welcome to the group, this is a safe, non-judgemental environment, we're all friends here (Ahem), would you like to stand up and introduce yourself and your tissues...... FYP
  3. yes well that seems to be the consensus. Is it cos it's dirty and makes for a good horny ending or just cos you lot don't like mess? I think it's 'cos it shuts her up for a precious few seconds Touche Not actually aimed at you personally SM, just wimmins generally touche turtle away............ i loved that! Can't believe you missed that shite entendre..... you must be getting slack in your dotage SM.
  4. Its the end of november!!!!! I think we should all put em up for the 1st of dec! Luke can opt out obviously, bah humbug....... 1st December is acceptable. Those putting up a Christmas avatar earlier should receive an instant ban and facial cumshot. NSFW
  5. yes well that seems to be the consensus. Is it cos it's dirty and makes for a good horny ending or just cos you lot don't like mess? I think it's 'cos it shuts her up for a precious few seconds Touche Not actually aimed at you personally SM, just wimmins generally
  6. yes well that seems to be the consensus. Is it cos it's dirty and makes for a good horny ending or just cos you lot don't like mess? I think it's 'cos it shuts her up for a precious few seconds
  7. When the time comes, if anyone can be arsed to stick a hat on my monkey , I'd use it . If not, it's this
  8. actually watching the fucker was worse.
  9. He's not here tonight. Tonights the night he sits at home and devotes all of his love to his pathetic ridiculous pointless computer games and I get to sit on here and throw abuse at wacky until he gets so riled the stuff he starts spouting doesn't even make sense. We both know how to get our kicks I could always sleep with it on and get him to drop it off in the morning...good thinking monkey man!! aye aye, thinkin', dancin'!! Here to Help
  10. I fucking hope England get Argentina in the WC We'll accaspacca it.
  11. Knock Knock Who's there ! Weasel ! Weasel who ? Weasel while you work ! weasel/Dwarf combo.........10 pts?
  12. "whose is that Stoat?" "Err-Mine" D'you see what I did there?
  13. Bring on the Custard- c'mon son!
  14. Time for a slice of D.Custard?
  15. Q; what's E.T. short for? A; He's only got little legs That's how sad I am
  16. Ni Hai Gai? No wacky? He will be upset.
  17. in lieu of commenting on a nondescript first half- I have an irrational dislike of grounds with the tunnel in the feckin corner! What's that all about ,man?
  18. Don't know if it's been said, but hats off to our 3,400 on a miserable night to be in the West of the country.
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