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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That's an utter bushpig sitting on the right though
  2. Monkeys Fist


    Always thought it was a Romany word for a young lad. Btw, the word was in common use when me dad was a lad. In Walker it was, anyway. Wiki says it's Romani for child. Wiki Charver
  3. I went up to a young lady in the park yesterday evening and said: "Excuse me, I'm very sorry to trouble you but you don't happen to have seen a policeman anywhere near here have you?" "No" she replied with a friendly smile, "I'm afraid I haven't" That was when I got my knife out...
  4. Thats older than Shinton man! Old ones are the best.
  5. Tampax have just announced that they are taking the strings off their tampons and replacing them with tinsel. This will be for the Christmas period only. ..Coat on etc
  6. Apologies for being a mong, but what does CLS stand for? Chester le Street
  7. You really are a fucking idiot . I have to admit though, you do have a talent- taking a perfectly normal phrase like this and somehow managing to imbue it with an overwhelming sense of out & out cuntishness is a real skill. Give yourself a pat on the back.... with a hammer preferably.
  8. Aye prob, its been lke this since I started You need some time off Wyki, why not throw a sicky?
  9. Or..... you're common? Witty Thanks. Now fuck off
  10. Did the Gadgie look like this?
  11. So long as you have a Stormtrooper falling from the roof as you get lit, otherwise it would be just weird
  12. Was watching an old QI last night and this was mentioned- its a stock sound effect scream, used in over 150 movies, known as the Wilhelm scream. Its in Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Kill Bill, Indiana Jones, Reservoir Dogs, etc Wiki
  13. It's a conspiracy by the supermarkets to sell stuff nobody would eat otherwise. Like cous-cous. Bulgur Wheat pisses all over cous cous tbh. I like Nigel Slater's Simple Suppers. I'd pay to let Nigella piss on my cous cous.
  14. Monkeys Fist


    Aye, we used it at school (1980-1984). Charvers were usually radgies too.
  15. Nah. I live in Forest Hall though. From 'Burrie' originally Used to be a good chippy in Palmersville. The Chinees in FH was pretty rank as I remember (the one up near the school) though he did sell mars bars The Chippy is still there, still good. The Toxic Takeaway is also still serving E-Coli to it's happy customers.
  16. Sounds like you know what you're on about there like. This what you mean Stevie? Amritsar Massacre
  17. Wonder how many entries were based around this..........
  18. Nah. I live in Forest Hall though. From 'Burrie' originally So, you could be related? I didn't get what you meant at first there Anyway, nearly everyone in Burradon is related True, I was talking to a lad in the Halfway House who was his own brother.
  19. Nah. I live in Forest Hall though. From 'Burrie' originally So, you could be related?
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