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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Maybe the mutts are Syd fans? Class album tho.
  2. One way to get rid of the FCB.. Permanently.
  3. You on the "special" cigarettes?
  4. Happy birthday lads. Since birthdays cards are a foriegn idea, I'm guessing Stevie burns all of his?
  5. Don't know if it's been said but, England v Gormans written all over this one.
  6. Even a boiled egg can look at a beech tree. Erm, in French. Like.
  7. Not bad so far - Algeria and the Yanks.
  8. "Mammy why's Daddy got his willy in the biscuit tin?" " Don't worry pet, he's fucking crackers".
  9. Not a 'dog person' either mate- barky shit machines iyam. Have a lurvely day y'all
  10. Cats=Devil's Spawn. Every single one of the wee bastards.
  11. Along these lines? The Lazbus
  12. More likely his arrival would mean bye bye Forrest Gump.
  13. Monkeys Fist


    Quality. Don't you vant me liebling?
  14. When typing , keep your finger on the letter / symbol. It will bring up alternatives. ie. I gives the following ï į í £ gives ₩ ¥ $ €
  15. Think I'll get some of that, would make a nice bed for grilled spicy lamb kebabs. Aye, will go with anything cous cous will. Add some of the juice from the lamb when cooking the wheat, as it takes on flavours, but does need something added. as Gemmill said, cook it in stock. Enjoy.
  16. I've used this in place of cous cous. Ebly website can be tricky to find, but larger Tesco's normally have it.
  17. "Only when rubbed" is the standard answer to that one. So, do you smoke Parky?
  18. Monkeys Fist


    Hitler had a bit of a charver cut tbh.( if you take the tache away)
  19. Monkeys Fist


    Always thought it was a Romany word for a young lad. Btw, the word was in common use when me dad was a lad. In Walker it was, anyway. Wiki says it's Romani for child. Wiki Charver It also says it's a prostitute http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/charva Which must mean Gypsies use child prostitutes! Kill them all
  20. do they kill em wearing clown shoes and falling over?
  21. It makes me laugh that these shows are so popular whilst home-cooking is on the decline! Maybe if people spent less time watching this tripe, they'd have more time to cook meals. Anyway, here's a nice pic of Ms. Lawson's decolletage
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