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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye but so does having shit loads of lasses throw themselves at you because you're world famous and rich beyond most people's dreams. It doesn't make it right but no one on here (apart from S-O) has a clue about what that's like either. speak for yourself mate. Brutally handsome and fighting em off with a shitty stick personally
  2. I shall bow to a far greater knowledge and experience than mine btw ,Mrs.Fist was a "weekend project" before we got together properly. Nice grass you see Bet that was a delightful story to tell at the wedding "Delightful"
  3. I shall bow to a far greater knowledge and experience than mine btw ,Mrs.Fist was a "weekend project" before we got together properly. Nice grass you see
  4. The bottom one ,Lynda Carter was taken in 1975. This is the same woman 31 years later. I'd hate you to be under any illusion that your point is correct
  5. 18 months left on his contract = fee = not a hope in hell of signing him.
  6. No, not really. A holes a fucking hole, theres some things that arent worth losing over it RLY? So this is the same as this?
  7. see what happens when you don't have an iphone?
  8. this should have a BM Warning. Bob fucking Mills, I feel soiled.
  9. "Lifes a Beach" about the Pascowitz family. Err, or "Surfwise".
  10. It was a one off documentary. There were about 9 of them living in a camper, travelling the U.S.
  11. Excellent that Fish. There was one on tv recently about a family of surfers, led by a rather " authoritarian " father. The name of it escapes me at the moment- anyone?
  12. Fuck you!! ..... I won't do what you tell me Err... Wrong thread
  13. Corn syrup in the first ones. I also had Stretch X-Ray, his evil nemesis. Any leaks could be stopped with an Elastoplast.
  14. Aye, sneaky pin prick in the back of your Stretch Armstrong.
  15. What odds J69's house was the only one in "CLS" with a Betamax ?
  16. Can we all club together and get KD an iPhone. He secretly really wants one- it's like at primary school when if you fancied a lass you went and hit her.
  17. 34. Cheers. Dear Laurent, thanks mate, loved you the first time you sublime, infuriating, rocket-shotted wee Grenouille, but ... Get to fuck you dafty
  18. You on the "special" cigarettes? High on life, my good man! carry on then!
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