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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The geographical advantage is that their town city is a shitehole and the toon isn't It is a medieval midden of a town. But that's down to them being filthy beggars. Nowt to do with geography. ...in which case the geographical advantage is that the toon isn't in Sunderland The right answer !
  2. When I left, the leftover turkey was still in the fridge...10 days after the meal. The Young Ones!!
  3. I'm guessing the dishes from the student meal are still festering in the sink?
  4. The geographical advantage is that their town city is a shitehole and the toon isn't It is a medieval midden of a town. But that's down to them being filthy beggars. Nowt to do with geography.
  5. So, who's having what for Christmas Dinner? Are we a board full of Turkey Tradionalists or do we have Culinary Christmas adventurers amongst us. Whilst I will give anything a try 364 days of the year, Christmas dinner means Turkey and all the trimmings in the Fist household. Roasties, pigs in blankets, roast parsnips, swede mash, sprouts and bacon, buttered carrots, peas, stuffing...... You get the picture. What's on the table in your house?
  6. Having read the mackem board's post(24 pages- and they aren't obsessed? ), one thing kept jarring in my mind. They repeatedly put our superior support down to " obvious geographical advantages"..... ... try as I might I can't think what they are? 10 miles separates us, surely any 'geographical' factors which apply to us, also apply to them? Hmmm, not bitter then
  7. If it was KD's blog, he'd have already been on here telling us all that KY Lube is over-rated, and he was using a far superior brand.
  8. I'm looking at buying a ps3 in January Tom. Where did you get this deal?
  9. Guivarc'h isn't busy. Failing that, what's Mick Quinn up to these days?
  10. Come back at Easter man! Like the Christian calendar is accurate....
  11. Jeff Winter would be orange with envy
  12. Wonder if Nick has seen this? Estimate of the Typical appearance of Gallilean males @ 30A.D.
  13. The Geordie Temperature Scale (Celsius): 10 degrees - Southerners turn on the heating - Geordies plant gardens. 4 degrees - Southerners shiver uncontrollably - Geordies sunbathe. 1 degrees - Southern cars will not start - Geordies drive with the windows down. -6 degrees - Southerners wear coats, gloves and wool hats - Geordies throw on a T-shirt (girls start wearing mini-skirts instead of bikinis). -10 degrees - Southern landlords turn up the heating - Geordies have the last BBQ before it gets cold. -17 degrees - Southerners begin to evacuate - Geordies go swimming in the North Sea. -25 - Southerners cease to exist - Geordies throw on a lightweight jacket. -60 degrees - Polar bears wonder if it's worth it - Geordie boy scouts start wearing long trousers. -75 degrees - Santa Claus abandons the North Pole - Geordies put on their long johns. -113 degrees - alcohol freezes - Geordies get frustrated because the pubs are shut. -182 degrees - Microbial life starts to disappear - The cows on Newcastle Town Moor complain of farmers with cold hands -273 degrees - All atomic motion stops - Geordies start to stamp their feet and blow on their hands. -295 degrees - Hell freezes over - Sunderland qualify for Europe
  14. a foul curse on you and your progeny, blasted heathen!!
  15. This is an extremely topical thread, given the time of year. After all , Jeesus was hammered with tacks. Ok , sorry, I'll fuck off.
  16. Jumps in car , races to Morrisons , frantically buys a bootfull of draught cans. Is there going to be a day of mourning in Ireland?
  17. Stevie's new career? "Merry Christmas Foriegn Cunts". On Bulldog Records.
  18. Cheers Tom. Good innings. Sad day for his family.
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