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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. In one of those strange coincidences, after my post about Lavazza earlier, I went into the front room and Rick Stein was on the tv visiting a farm which produces the ' Civet Shite' coffe beans. Ho - Hum.
  2. Mackems have been around for ages. Shirley.
  3. I made a Bread and Butter pudding made with Pannatone raisin bread the other day, delicious! I add alittle cream AND evaporated milk too.....piggy-tastic! Christmas day I will be cooking beef with red wine and redcurrant jelly gravy with roast honey and mustard parsnips, mashed swede and carrots, savoy cabbage, pigs in blankets and yorkshires oh and of course roast potatoes.....yum!! We have xmas pudding, bot normally have a light dessert like mandarins in vodka/orange jelly with meringue and clotted cream! I'm leaving Toon now- set me a place. I'll bring half a pound of Tesco Basics Cheddar for after.
  4. To each and every one of you- Have very Merry Christmas and a healthy , prosperous New Year! Hope you've all been good boys & girls. Mr. Ashley- may your world crumble and your penis rot.
  5. Lavazzo is a good strong blend. Used in lots of restaurants. You can use it in filters, esspresso percolators and cafetieres. If your using it in filter, don't be shy with it- for a full pot I put about 9 or 10 hefty spoons in.
  6. Buy better coffee. it is decent coffee, got a packet of starbucks from morrisons and it is shite nothing like the cafe Starbucks!! There's where your going wrong mate. Try Lavazza Rossa.( dons helmet for howls of derision from coffee cognosenti) Morrisons sell it, you want the red and silver pack.
  7. No, Paws is the guilty party I think. Obviously picked it up subconciously whilst drooling over Nigella's festive rack( for she is responsible for the semolina spuds). I swear by goose fat for top notch roasties.
  8. Disturbing mental picture that... I'd have him back in a heartbeat atm. More chance of me banging the Queen than that happening though.
  9. Either the perv has a dog's sense of smell, or the shelf stacker needs some wet-wipes.
  10. Do they do a Professor Yaffle one? http://www.kapowgifts.co.uk/acatalog/Bagpuss_Mugs.html
  11. One has always told told the domestics that One is steadfastly working class.
  12. Whilst I am in the trad camp spiritually, it's impossible to do the full monty in the middle of summer. I expect we'll be going trendy - booze and canapes for 11'ses, followed by full on BBQ and lots of interesting salads, etc. Pud will be pavlova and cheesecake I expect. We should have 12 people for lunch at least (invited, not being eaten). Being upside down is a valid excuse for not going trad. I would still have to have pigs in blankets though, even if I was tied to the Wailing Wall. You're right, pigs in blanket are the shizzle! They will be on the menu, by order of Mr Fist. This makes me far happier than it really should.
  13. Might be worth a peek. Ouch but I was going to say he left in a fit of pique but thought better of it I'll get me coat. Dead clever
  14. Whilst I am in the trad camp spiritually, it's impossible to do the full monty in the middle of summer. I expect we'll be going trendy - booze and canapes for 11'ses, followed by full on BBQ and lots of interesting salads, etc. Pud will be pavlova and cheesecake I expect. We should have 12 people for lunch at least (invited, not being eaten). Being upside down is a valid excuse for not going trad. I would still have to have pigs in blankets though, even if I was tied to the Wailing Wall.
  15. I know it's the american idea of football, but this guy made me chuckle...
  16. Might be worth a peek. Ouch but
  17. You can't beat a bit of beaver tbh. If we signed Beevers, we'd be obliged to give a job to this Guy I wonder what Stefan Kuntz is up to these days. He's in deep with Fanni.
  18. You can't beat a bit of beaver tbh. If we signed Beevers, we'd be obliged to give a job to this Guy
  19. Baked chocolate cheesecake this year. Lemon tart with dark chocolate pastry last year.
  20. Bulls balls for Christmas? Sounds offal
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