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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Sounds like you've used that line before Fish ?
  2. Forest Hall Sainsburys is gash. Today, they had Naan breads aplenty. Good- wanted some. Went for milk. Fucking none! Went down the road to the (Indian run)corner shop. Plenty milk. I asked the owner if he sold Naans. He didn't. And then my head spun off in cultural confusion.
  3. I'd have no compaints about him joining the coaching staff. Vast experience under one of the best bosses of all ( JFK of course).
  4. I blame gobal warming. Its what did for the Kingdom of Nubia thousands of years ago. This winter is so far not as cold as 1979, so thats in the lifetime of more than just a couple of posters on here. I saw that last night. Don't recall any mention of gritters ( or the lack of) being what did for them. Thought the rock gongs were quite funky.
  5. A pal of mine told me she was a piscetarian. I thought she was an alchy for months... Wahey !
  6. I know it's a daft argument but I've told a Veggie mate in the past that domesticated animals are pretty much man made and simply wouldn't exist if we didn't eat them. You can extend that argument to carrots, most spud varieties, brassicas, many fruits etc. What the point would be I don't know, but add wine and it all makes sense.
  7. Advice received with thanks and duly implemented.
  8. Any predictions on the coming Hurricane Snakey?
  9. You were lucky to have a face, we just had another pair of bollocks where the face would be. And instead of snow it was red hot lava. Still got the problem? You walked straight into that like LL. I'm sure Viz did a character with nuts for a face. Can't be arsed to google it tho.
  10. Lifelong Omnivore. The standard of veggie dishes has improved vastly over the past decade , whilst awareness of the provenance of the meat on your plate has also improved. Both good things IMO. Whilst I do love a quivering slab of dead beast, the attitude of Gordon Ramsey to vegetarian cooking is just laughable. How he ever won a Michelin star with such an outdated outlook is beyond me. ( Unless of course it's just an affectation for the cameras from a publicity whore- Shirley not?)
  11. I'm sure when I was a lad the snow had sharp edges, and used to cut our faces as it fell. We didn't mind though. We were grateful to have faces in those sepia tinted days.
  12. The staff in the Special Care Baby Unit are exceptional. My mate's little girl was born at 29 weeks. She was in for a while but is right as rain now. Wee Pud looks like he's a strong wee thing. He'll be out before you know it. All the best mate.
  13. Aye, I remember crossing the field to get to middle school in '77 and walking thru paths in the snow. The snow was almost waist deep. I was , at 9 yrs old, of Wackyesque stature.
  14. Looking at the boards it looks like no-one posted anything between about 2pm and 4.30pm. Aye, that's when I couldn't get it.
  15. Nice one Chez! June will be a busy month- mines fully cooked the 20th.
  16. I assumed everyone got sent it and that's why I couldn't get on here for 2 hours. Me too.
  17. Don't go anywhere near Limewire. Download Bit Torrent , then use a site like IsoHunt. ... So a 'friend' tells me.
  18. Having a blonde moment. Has Mrs. Chez popped one out too?
  19. So Mad Jock, rings on or rings off for a top Fisting experience?
  20. This sounds rather naughty. At the same time I sense you have a look that says "but Im not ruling out the possibility" One must be open to all things. Even Fists. Typical. A thread on supermarkets descends to hand- insertion based filth.
  21. One's butler reports Asda to be Chavtastic. Fortnum's is the only establishment to receive the Fist guineas.... Rather exquisite restaurant there too
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