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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That's what I usually pay my victims to keep schtum.
  2. Bangers & mash, savoy cabbage, onion gravy. Winter warmer. All wash down with a Guinness.
  3. Cheers HF. Just googled it- http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/I-wan...ticle42311.html Can't believe I hadn't seen that before... classy bloke wor Dekka. (Fwiw, I reckon Keggy would ploat Dekka.)
  4. Forgive my ignorance, who was this said about ?
  5. I'd be interested to see how the Swiss operate this system. Does it apply to every speeding ticket, requiring proof of income before a fine is set? Or does it only apply in contested cases?
  6. I assume the same law will apply to Hassidic Jews, who's women shave their heads when married, and wear wigs.
  7. If we sign this fucker anytime in 2010, I will BBQ my cock, and eat it delicately spiced with a hint of disbelief. The "Tank"? 17 in 77 games- The Tractor.
  8. Hate to disappoint. Btw , darts not snooker. Ok I'll stop.
  9. Monkeys Fist


    It's for her benefit, is it? The fat kid blatantly doesn't want to have a sweat on when he gets to the restaurant. Taxi for tubby! Pipe down Ginge, you're left buttock weighs more than the Mini-Pud Popolos is a decent shout actually, some tasty cocktails after, perhaps? Slippery Nipple if you're lucky There's also Portofino directly opposite the hotel if want to conserve your energy for the bedroom. Never eaten there though so can't vouch for it.
  10. Some poor bugger has been found frozen under the ice at the World Dart Champs. Cue " One fan dead & Eighty" type punnery.
  11. Monkeys Fist


    Try Poppolos. Food was decent last time I went, just round the corner opposite the fire station.
  12. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilk! Those ads always make me giggle like a bairn.
  13. Monkeys Fist


    The Black Door ( at the Biscuit Factory, Sandeford).
  14. It falls to me to say.... Also wanted for Muffin the Mule.
  15. Monkeys Fist


    What I remember of the place from when I lived round there was just how empty it always was, never more than one or two tables in. Probably due to the rather hefty prices. Its hardly pricey at 17 quid for the most expensive dish. Looks reasonable to me. If you think a pizza costs nearly 10 quid in most places and thats just bread, less than a pounds worth of ingredients and 2 minutes of chef time, a finely crafted seafood dish for twice the price has got to be fair. That's only a couple of quid more than a Bargain Bucket! A quality and nutritous family meal.
  16. Sounds good to me. I would wear HF's flying pigs one! But then I am a style guru.
  17. I see a range of t-shirts. Profits 50/50 NUST & Sir Bobby Foundation?
  18. That Lasagne looks like quite a lot fannying around. Just use mince and a tine of toms ffs!! Roasted Vegetables Lasagne!!!! Tastes like shit I bet. Crocodile Dundee?
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