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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Thatcher ( please) Michael Caine (hope not) George Bush Snr Tom Cruise ( choking on an orange) Pope Adolf
  2. Nice one Paddy, where will you be based?
  3. So, once again, next summer's transfer window- potentially the most crucial at the club in a while, will see us buying no-one as we go through the same tired old shit. " the club is for sale at the right price. " If he seriously wants rid, why not start the process now? Have a new owner in place by the end of the season so that another transfer window isn't wasted. My God, I really do despise the Fat Bastard.
  4. for now You and sima, manc mag doesn't count Aye, Stevie'll be along to support you shortly and the two of you can hit out against the bad bad brownies all on your jack-jones. Two red-blooded Englishmen against the world. Well-adjusted people know that this kind of shit is an infringement on personal rights no matter how you paint it. sadly, you know absolutely nothing of me and my backround when you say this. In my view, well adjusted people view those who preach that we should put up with this bollocks as their "rights" as being foolish pc correct imbeciles. and now he knows something about you.
  5. You need a good anaesthetist mate.
  6. Good luck mate. (See Toonraider for driving tips)
  7. Less of the "we" old chap. You're on your own.
  8. No excess poundage on me mate I have to find new and exciting ways to burn off the calories tho.
  9. Afghanistan announce formation of homegrown Spice Girls; clicky
  10. Where've you been hiding recently? Got myself one of those burkas mate. You should be legally obliged to keep your mug covered in public
  11. Where've you been hiding recently?
  12. That's what I usually pay my victims to keep schtum. should get a law through making it illegal to be in public and not show your face etc, call it "protection of the public from hoodies" or something. That would sort the fuckers out. If it goes against their religion then tough shit erm...have you read the OP mate? erm, aye, but I'm talking about the UK. Although everybody else should do the same and if they don't like it they can fuck off Ok , sorry LM. Never happen mind. Personally I have no problem with it- if people want to wear medieval fancy dress, let them. of course. But obscuring your face is a no-no and if they don't like it they can fuck off to somewhere where is it allowed ie not here. No exceptions. Just bang them up until they make their arrangements to go. That'll be motorcycle helmets banned then. so be it. No need to wear them if you are walking down Northumberland Street and not on the bike. Tis written in the Book of Harley "in the absence of Zappa-esque beards or Mutton chops, Full face lids must be worn by all Faithful. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from the faith, to the wastelands of Yamaha." btw what are your thoughts on the Sikh Kirpan, a legally sanctioned dagger which they are allowed to carry? "It is legal under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (section 139) and Offensive Weapons Act 1996 (section 3 and 4) for a Sikh to carry a kirpan with a blade for religious reasons (other reasons allowed by the Act are cultural or work related reasons). The Criminal Justice Act 1988 safeguards the rights of Sikhs to carry the kirpan as it is deemed a necessary part of their religion. Sections 3 and 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988, however, were Repealed by Extradition Act 1989 (c. 33), s. 37, Sch. 2.2" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirpan
  13. That's what I usually pay my victims to keep schtum. should get a law through making it illegal to be in public and not show your face etc, call it "protection of the public from hoodies" or something. That would sort the fuckers out. If it goes against their religion then tough shit erm...have you read the OP mate? erm, aye, but I'm talking about the UK. Although everybody else should do the same and if they don't like it they can fuck off Ok , sorry LM. Never happen mind. Personally I have no problem with it- if people want to wear medieval fancy dress, let them. of course. But obscuring your face is a no-no and if they don't like it they can fuck off to somewhere where is it allowed ie not here. No exceptions. Just bang them up until they make their arrangements to go. That'll be motorcycle helmets banned then.
  14. That's what I usually pay my victims to keep schtum. should get a law through making it illegal to be in public and not show your face etc, call it "protection of the public from hoodies" or something. That would sort the fuckers out. If it goes against their religion then tough shit erm...have you read the OP mate? erm, aye, but I'm talking about the UK. Although everybody else should do the same and if they don't like it they can fuck off Ok , sorry LM. Never happen mind. Personally I have no problem with it- if people want to wear medieval fancy dress, let them.
  15. That's what I usually pay my victims to keep schtum. should get a law through making it illegal to be in public and not show your face etc, call it "protection of the public from hoodies" or something. That would sort the fuckers out. If it goes against their religion then tough shit erm...have you read the OP mate?
  16. I'm using neck chops so a slow cook is needed- breaks down all the connective tissues ( along with a healthy slug of red wine). Onions, carrot, 3 whole cloves of garlic, and rosemary dug out from under the snow. Well worth the wait.
  17. Lamb casserole going in now for a long, slow cook. Roasties, broccolli and mashed swede to go with it.
  18. Aye, I enjoyed that. Going to watch The Wrestler(Mickey Rourke) tonight, never got round to it over the Holidays. Speaking of Rourke, watched Domino the other night. Bit disappointing tbh. Could've been a fascinating film given the storyline, but style triumphed over substance. Still, Keira Knightly... Be still my throbbing forearms.
  19. And which part of using a chasseur mix and Ragu sauce constitutes cooking, haway man put a bit of effort in it for the little lady! I suppose you want me to make the pasta sheets and forage fresh mushrooms as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making pasta is a piece of piss. Chasseur is one of the easiest , but most satisfying, dishes to make from scratch mate. Next time, try it. You'll be pleasantly surprised ( and it tastes 1000 times better than that Colmans muck ).
  20. Any key words I should be googleing to get this story? I'm guessing you can't post it here ?
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