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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Is English your second language? didn't realise it was an English exam Nowt stopping you chipping in with your pearls of wisdom. Probably the usual bollocks though. قد يكون لديك الجمال اليهودية
  2. LeazesMag is at it again derailing the thread with his unerring inability to let go of the past... Is it just me or is it happening quite alot these days? Wouldn't have happened when Shepherd was Chairman.
  3. If enough people emailed Dekka, reckon we could provoke a reply?
  4. Anyone got Dekka's email/ Hicks Jnr resigns over email reply
  5. He likes to play with himself in the bath and stick things in his orifices. Who doesnt? Peeping tom!
  6. This is why known terrorists (big league) had safe heaven in London for ages (till 7/7). It was known internally by the security services as 'The Covenanat'. safe Jannah? Better than haven apparently... Bigger caravans I heard
  7. This is why known terrorists (big league) had safe heaven in London for ages (till 7/7). It was known internally by the security services as 'The Covenanat'. safe Jannah?
  8. I don't push the jet of water directly into my ear, more into the external bowl above my earlobe( sure it has a proper name but no idea what..) The bath beforehand softens and loosens any gunk, afterwards I'm just sluicing it out. Been doing it regularly for several years now, no ill effects. Appreciate your concern though
  9. Let's say Alf Garnett becomes Home secretary, and the leader of Islam4UK is sent 'back' to Afghanistan. He promptly disappears from the Intelligence radar, and becomes even more radicalised and very likely an active terrorist. Now let's say Johnson stays as Home secretary,and the leader of Islam4UK is heavily monitored, with ease , by the Intelligence services, and is effectively neutralised as a serious threat. Which is preferrable?
  10. Double irony bypass. You want us to ignore the rights of muslims....because they ignore the rights of others...because they're barbaric....while we're enlightened....and we respect the rights of others. Your views are so flawed as to be a worse threat to personal freedom and liberty than those you claim to abhor. Really ? Do you support the demonstrations against British troops on the streets of Britain ie in Wootton Basset for instance ? What "rights" are you talking about here. Those fuckers are a disgrace. If they feel so strongly about the countries where our troops are based then they can fuck off there and fight them....in a fair war too with uniforms and show themselves. Cowardly cunts. I don't know enough about the protests to say if i support it or not. A quick glance at a report tells me they're protesting British presence in Afghanistan and not "British Troops" so it's clear you don't know enough to say why you're against it either. I 100% support their right to protest though. Because I treasure the right to free speech in this country. If you don't, then why don't you move to Pakistan where they don't tolerate such things. because I'm English, not pakistani. anti-British troop demonstrations not welcome on British soil. Sorry, but you are wrong. If you want to live in a country, abide by its laws and don't demonstrate for changing them, or fuck off. You agreed wholeheartedly with the Poll tax then? as it happens, no. But I'm not a visitor here nor demonstrating for somewhere else I feel has a "better way of life". So any 'Pakis' in the Poll tax demonstrations should have been sent to Pakistan or(.............)* even though you agree with the sentiment behind the demonstration. * fill in blank with a 'wog' destination of your choice, as long as it isn't Glorious Albion the difference being that they were not demonstrating to bring about a change in law along the lines of another country which they have sympathy with and would like to enforce here. If they want to live with pakistani (......insert country of choice...) traditions etc, fuck off to where they want to be. As ewerk , and several others, stated- Islam4Uk were proposing to remind people of the dead,innocent civilians in Afghanistan, not protest about British Troops. Granted, the choice of town was a bit incendiary, but they got what they wanted- publicity. Whilst I personally found the idea of holding it in Wooton Bassett tasteless, the idea of it being banned is worse imo.
  11. Double irony bypass. You want us to ignore the rights of muslims....because they ignore the rights of others...because they're barbaric....while we're enlightened....and we respect the rights of others. Your views are so flawed as to be a worse threat to personal freedom and liberty than those you claim to abhor. Really ? Do you support the demonstrations against British troops on the streets of Britain ie in Wootton Basset for instance ? What "rights" are you talking about here. Those fuckers are a disgrace. If they feel so strongly about the countries where our troops are based then they can fuck off there and fight them....in a fair war too with uniforms and show themselves. Cowardly cunts. I don't know enough about the protests to say if i support it or not. A quick glance at a report tells me they're protesting British presence in Afghanistan and not "British Troops" so it's clear you don't know enough to say why you're against it either. I 100% support their right to protest though. Because I treasure the right to free speech in this country. If you don't, then why don't you move to Pakistan where they don't tolerate such things. because I'm English, not pakistani. anti-British troop demonstrations not welcome on British soil. Sorry, but you are wrong. If you want to live in a country, abide by its laws and don't demonstrate for changing them, or fuck off. You agreed wholeheartedly with the Poll tax then? as it happens, no. But I'm not a visitor here nor demonstrating for somewhere else I feel has a "better way of life". So any 'Pakis' in the Poll tax demonstrations should have been sent to Pakistan or(.............)* even though you agree with the sentiment behind the demonstration. * fill in blank with a 'wog' destination of your choice, as long as it isn't Glorious Albion
  12. Unless your flatmates are skull fucking you in your sleep.
  13. Double irony bypass. You want us to ignore the rights of muslims....because they ignore the rights of others...because they're barbaric....while we're enlightened....and we respect the rights of others. Your views are so flawed as to be a worse threat to personal freedom and liberty than those you claim to abhor. Really ? Do you support the demonstrations against British troops on the streets of Britain ie in Wootton Basset for instance ? What "rights" are you talking about here. Those fuckers are a disgrace. If they feel so strongly about the countries where our troops are based then they can fuck off there and fight them....in a fair war too with uniforms and show themselves. Cowardly cunts. I don't know enough about the protests to say if i support it or not. A quick glance at a report tells me they're protesting British presence in Afghanistan and not "British Troops" so it's clear you don't know enough to say why you're against it either. I 100% support their right to protest though. Because I treasure the right to free speech in this country. If you don't, then why don't you move to Pakistan where they don't tolerate such things. because I'm English, not pakistani. anti-British troop demonstrations not welcome on British soil. Sorry, but you are wrong. If you want to live in a country, abide by its laws and don't demonstrate for changing them, or fuck off. You agreed wholeheartedly with the Poll tax then?
  14. Self awareness is the first step to enlightenment LM. Have a smooth journey. I've lived an "enlightened" life mate, not brainwashed by left wing do gooder schoolies. Thanks anyway. Peace be upon you. Allah U Akbar you know your arabic then, presumably. Wonder why?
  15. Then I would hazard a wild guess that you don't need your lugs douched.
  16. Self awareness is the first step to enlightenment LM. Have a smooth journey. I've lived an "enlightened" life mate, not brainwashed by left wing do gooder schoolies. Thanks anyway. Peace be upon you. Allah U Akbar
  17. After a bath , sinkful of warm water and a 50ml syringe. And go easy. I had to have mine done several years ago whilst on holiday in Corfu. The Doc showed me how easy it was to do it myself.
  18. I do my own about once a month. The muck that comes out is ,at times, vile.
  19. They're clearly scouting players from this lot; F.C. Las Vegas
  20. Self awareness is the first step to enlightenment LM. Have a smooth journey.
  21. Thatcher ( please) Michael Caine (hope not) George Bush Snr Tom Cruise ( choking on an orange) Pope Adolf
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