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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This is the latest in a line of posts where you intimate that being intellectual is a bad thing, also doing good... It's what the right wing do in America, where the need to seem at one with the common man is held in higher regard than thinking with more than your gut. FOX endlessly belittle academia as out of touch, when in truth, the ignorant demagogues are those that are out of touch with how the world really is, because they see it from (ironically) behind a veil of fear and conservatism. Anything moderate or considerate is dismissed as weak and anything that encourages pluralism is unpatriotic. They use fear and anger as a bludgeon, however when their views are challenged the challenger is labelled and their points ignored. I'm just curious, what reason have you for this, if it is not akin to theirs? Don't get me wrong, some great thinkers have operated on the right hand side of the political spectrum, but at least they were great thinkers and not just fear mongers. Also as a side bar, why is it "brainwashing" when it's one view, but "life experience" when it's another? Oh, by the by? Please don't reply with the staid "Well if you don't know, then what's the point" as it highlights your ignorance rather than displaying any knowledge or insight you may have garnered from your much vaunted "Life Experience" I've already tried to get an answer on this Fish http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=703556 As usual, no real reply, it's all down to my lack of 'life experience' apparently? So, Leazes, how about a brief summary of your fantastic 'Life Experience'- I'm intrigued. Did you do a lot of travelling, were you a voluntary aid worker, oil worker in the middle east? Please, don't say you were a squaddie
  2. Gettin!!!!!!!!! Lovenkrands- so pleased he scored.
  3. "mime error, post not loading"
  4. of course they are there to defend your way of life, the interests of the UK and its shores. What else do you think they are there to do ? I would not go and live in a country and bomb or demonstrate against their way of life, forces, laws and traditions. End of story. Their "tactics" as you put it, are cowardly and beneath contempt. Who's done that? The London Bombers were born in Leeds and Bradford. bet the parents wern't tho.............. No, but their parents didn't radiicalise them. That was Abdullah el-Faisal....but he was born Trevor William Forest who had evangelical Christian parents and was part of the salvation army until he was 16. These christian churches shouldn't be allowed should they? Send them back!
  5. Totally inappropriate, but that just makes me picture a big, fat, black pimp. I know, sorry.
  6. In that case, I think it's entirely reasonable to have the wee Paws jabbed . Very few cases I was aware of in our area or workplaces, so we decided it was not needed? Parenthood eh? Before the kid's born, you can't move for buggers giving advice, afterwards, any decisions are"really down to you".
  7. We said no to Mrs.Fist(preggers!) haven't been offered for the Chimp, but are probably going to turn it down.
  8. She Tolls The Juan Curse Our Souls Pea Said
  9. aha, I am right. You're a sprog and don't realise what the Halls and Shepherd did for the club. I'd already worked that one out though. Go to jail oooopsss Newcastle Online with all the other thick cunts. Mature Student?
  10. Megadeaf? Led Netty Black Bulletz Whippet Lash Divendunshus
  11. Butter Face is the term you're looking for. Or BOBFOC, as they are on government records. as defined by Rebecca Adlington
  12. Butter Face is the term you're looking for.
  13. Hence Christina Ricci, Kate McCann... Sooo.. "Borderline" or "Shouldn't"?
  14. Who is she? What about the lass behind her? She wrote and starred in "Nighty night". also been in Gavin & Stacey The bird in the wheelchair is;
  15. With an I'm no paedo disclaimer I'd say Ricci looked better when she was younger - though maybe in Casper rather than in the Addams family. Hmmmmmm
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