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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I'm doing your lass right now.You got something to say about that ? ill come and jizz all over your mams face Careful you don't do your back in digging her up mind. oh god That's what your lass said as I burst her starfish. funny thing is shes 15. She only looks about 12 like.
  2. But see what it brought on us. We would probably be far better off if we had listened to the vast life experience of some Neanderthal. These left wing dooder Homo Sapiens are all brain washed and have a lack of understanding.
  3. smart as you are you are gullible and stupid as fuck, your only saving grace is you are not the only one. As I said, my opinions are based on experience, not reading a book or articles in left wing dooder newspapers by idealistic out of touch "intellectuals" Happy Face is a dooder. Leazes quoting The Big Lebowski- who'd a thunk it?
  4. I'm doing your lass right now.You got something to say about that ? ill come and jizz all over your mams face Careful you don't do your back in digging her up mind. oh god That's what your lass said as I burst her starfish.
  5. I'm doing your lass right now.You got something to say about that ? ill come and jizz all over your mams face Careful you don't do your back in digging her up mind.
  6. I'm doing your lass right now.You got something to say about that ?
  7. Geordie..Mincer ..Chinsplash ..@sportsdirect.cock ..banjostring
  8. The instrumental version by Bobby Crush is well liked by the dippers.
  9. I love my Heritage Stevie- few things make me prouder than knowing we, as Northumbria, ruled the country for a good spell and contributed hugely to its culture. I'm proud to be English & British. Because of the above highlight, I detest small minded ignorance and intolerance, a trait all too prevalent in many 'proud patriots'. Without immigration we would not have; our language, our music, our sense of humour, our historical heritage, since these are all things which were significantly contributed to by various migrant groups at multiple points throughout our history as a nation.
  10. This is the latest in a line of posts where you intimate that being intellectual is a bad thing, also doing good... It's what the right wing do in America, where the need to seem at one with the common man is held in higher regard than thinking with more than your gut. FOX endlessly belittle academia as out of touch, when in truth, the ignorant demagogues are those that are out of touch with how the world really is, because they see it from (ironically) behind a veil of fear and conservatism. Anything moderate or considerate is dismissed as weak and anything that encourages pluralism is unpatriotic. They use fear and anger as a bludgeon, however when their views are challenged the challenger is labelled and their points ignored. I'm just curious, what reason have you for this, if it is not akin to theirs? Don't get me wrong, some great thinkers have operated on the right hand side of the political spectrum, but at least they were great thinkers and not just fear mongers. Also as a side bar, why is it "brainwashing" when it's one view, but "life experience" when it's another? Oh, by the by? Please don't reply with the staid "Well if you don't know, then what's the point" as it highlights your ignorance rather than displaying any knowledge or insight you may have garnered from your much vaunted "Life Experience" I've already tried to get an answer on this Fish http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=703556 As usual, no real reply, it's all down to my lack of 'life experience' apparently? So, Leazes, how about a brief summary of your fantastic 'Life Experience'- I'm intrigued. Did you do a lot of travelling, were you a voluntary aid worker, oil worker in the middle east? Please, don't say you were a squaddie #As it happens, no I was not a squaddie. But making this very comment betrays yourA total lack of understanding of national security and how it works. What is wrong with being a squaddie in the front line, do you seriously think you have more understanding ? BWhat book did you read all your theories ? A Bingo B No Book...cannot read...brainwashed...must hate Muslims So anyway Leazes, yet again you have squirmed out of answering a direct question- what is your life experience that makes you so much more worldly than the rest of us? A simple answer will do. Sorry. But how I have spent my life is my business. It's fairly obvious to me, that a lot of people on here don't have much experience of the real world and live in cuckoo land. As I've just said, it's those pesky terrorists you should be telling where they have gone wrong.......... Then don't feckin shout about having life experience unless you're prepared to back it up you tit. oh dear. Resorting to insults, not good for someone as clever as you. You will have to take my word for it. I am not posting what I have done with my life on an internet message board, you can however tell us what book you learned your pearls of wisdom from if you like You coward. Here's my book.Peruse at your leisure
  11. I see you have opted out of the other thread Noelie, where I provided the link you asked for where the club was geared up to win the title that you said had never happened. Never mind lad. As you criticised the Halls and Shepherd for running such a shit football club that qualified for europe more than any other club bar 4 over a period of 15 years, you really should stop complaining now that we are rid of them and things are soooo much better now. Post pub? Brainwashed by the Halls & Shepherd? Start a conversation with Leazesmag, you'll wish you were Deaf/Blind. [raspberry beret] don't tell me. You think going to the pub is dirty/working class/only for scroungers/uneducated low lifes etc etc blah blah Err, no.... I love going to the pub, I'm also working class. If you want to call yourself a dirty uneducated low life ,though, don't let me stop you.
  12. This is the latest in a line of posts where you intimate that being intellectual is a bad thing, also doing good... It's what the right wing do in America, where the need to seem at one with the common man is held in higher regard than thinking with more than your gut. FOX endlessly belittle academia as out of touch, when in truth, the ignorant demagogues are those that are out of touch with how the world really is, because they see it from (ironically) behind a veil of fear and conservatism. Anything moderate or considerate is dismissed as weak and anything that encourages pluralism is unpatriotic. They use fear and anger as a bludgeon, however when their views are challenged the challenger is labelled and their points ignored. I'm just curious, what reason have you for this, if it is not akin to theirs? Don't get me wrong, some great thinkers have operated on the right hand side of the political spectrum, but at least they were great thinkers and not just fear mongers. Also as a side bar, why is it "brainwashing" when it's one view, but "life experience" when it's another? Oh, by the by? Please don't reply with the staid "Well if you don't know, then what's the point" as it highlights your ignorance rather than displaying any knowledge or insight you may have garnered from your much vaunted "Life Experience" I've already tried to get an answer on this Fish http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=703556 As usual, no real reply, it's all down to my lack of 'life experience' apparently? So, Leazes, how about a brief summary of your fantastic 'Life Experience'- I'm intrigued. Did you do a lot of travelling, were you a voluntary aid worker, oil worker in the middle east? Please, don't say you were a squaddie #As it happens, no I was not a squaddie. But making this very comment betrays yourA total lack of understanding of national security and how it works. What is wrong with being a squaddie in the front line, do you seriously think you have more understanding ? BWhat book did you read all your theories ? A Bingo B No Book...cannot read...brainwashed...must hate Muslims So anyway Leazes, yet again you have squirmed out of answering a direct question- what is your life experience that makes you so much more worldly than the rest of us? A simple answer will do. Sorry. But how I have spent my life is my business. It's fairly obvious to me, that a lot of people on here don't have much experience of the real world and live in cuckoo land. As I've just said, it's those pesky terrorists you should be telling where they have gone wrong.......... Then don't feckin shout about having life experience unless you're prepared to back it up you tit.
  13. I see you have opted out of the other thread Noelie, where I provided the link you asked for where the club was geared up to win the title that you said had never happened. Never mind lad. As you criticised the Halls and Shepherd for running such a shit football club that qualified for europe more than any other club bar 4 over a period of 15 years, you really should stop complaining now that we are rid of them and things are soooo much better now. Post pub? Brainwashed by the Halls & Shepherd? Start a conversation with Leazesmag, you'll wish you were Deaf/Blind. [raspberry beret]
  14. This is the latest in a line of posts where you intimate that being intellectual is a bad thing, also doing good... It's what the right wing do in America, where the need to seem at one with the common man is held in higher regard than thinking with more than your gut. FOX endlessly belittle academia as out of touch, when in truth, the ignorant demagogues are those that are out of touch with how the world really is, because they see it from (ironically) behind a veil of fear and conservatism. Anything moderate or considerate is dismissed as weak and anything that encourages pluralism is unpatriotic. They use fear and anger as a bludgeon, however when their views are challenged the challenger is labelled and their points ignored. I'm just curious, what reason have you for this, if it is not akin to theirs? Don't get me wrong, some great thinkers have operated on the right hand side of the political spectrum, but at least they were great thinkers and not just fear mongers. Also as a side bar, why is it "brainwashing" when it's one view, but "life experience" when it's another? Oh, by the by? Please don't reply with the staid "Well if you don't know, then what's the point" as it highlights your ignorance rather than displaying any knowledge or insight you may have garnered from your much vaunted "Life Experience" I've already tried to get an answer on this Fish http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=703556 As usual, no real reply, it's all down to my lack of 'life experience' apparently? So, Leazes, how about a brief summary of your fantastic 'Life Experience'- I'm intrigued. Did you do a lot of travelling, were you a voluntary aid worker, oil worker in the middle east? Please, don't say you were a squaddie #As it happens, no I was not a squaddie. But making this very comment betrays yourA total lack of understanding of national security and how it works. What is wrong with being a squaddie in the front line, do you seriously think you have more understanding ? BWhat book did you read all your theories ? A Bingo B No Book...cannot read...brainwashed...must hate Muslims So anyway Leazes, yet again you have squirmed out of answering a direct question- what is your life experience that makes you so much more worldly than the rest of us? A simple answer will do.
  15. maybe if you cut the explanation portion of your act out it might work better
  16. Welcome to the Fellowship of the Cold Ambrosia
  17. You've got to be shitting me.... No joke ... clicky
  18. That's because you have to [little red corvette]
  19. Marisa Tomei Warms the heartles of my cock
  20. You're cleary lacking in Life experience, or brainwashed, or a pinko commie bastard, or........ The Halls & Shepherds were the best thing since humans developed speech. [sarcmark]
  21. pfffffffft, honestly?? (squiggle(whatever the fuck it is)) Yeah, I'll be paying to download it as soon as... [prince]
  22. I think it's a really.....really great idea. honest
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