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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Shit day- grafting from 5:30am- 2:30. Then met a client , having been told more work was on the offing, only to walk into a shitstorm of politics between clients arguing over who is responsible for different parts of the same building- acting like fucking bairns. Then a phone call from Mrs. Fist. Water pissing through the kitchen ceiling and down dining room wall. Turned out to be a leak in the feed pipe to cistern. As Mrs. Fist is preggers, she couldn't bend down far enough to turn mains off, so arrive home to a power shower on the kitchen. And 4-feckin-2!! Beers are calling. That is all. Monkey gibber over.
  2. Balvenie Doublewood. Sublime. * insert doublewood puns here*
  3. Surely you can't argue hair growth is not normal sir? FFS don't start the owld git on beards. In half an hour he'll have supped his last half of Scotch and be on here railing against the left wing beardy weirdys. " We didn't have bearded footballers under Shepherd & Hall. In my life experience , only terrorists have beards...."
  4. Nicole Kidman too Can somebody explain how well known "jaffa" Tom Cruise lays his troosers on the end of his new missus bed and she gets preggers virtually straight away but him and the big ginger Aussie had to adopt? Hostile uterus- Wee Tommy's tadpoles and the Ginger Minx's fanny batter just didn't get along.
  5. oddly enough around 50% of the people who are afraid of flying are worried about the flying bit............... not buying the farm seems to be related to a fear that you are not in control .......... I have a fear of flying that developed around the time of Lockerbie. I have no idea what exactly triggered it. Up until this time I had flow on many types of planes, including little two seaters, all with pleasure and no fear. Over the years this has also to a lesser degree being joined by trains and being a back seat passenger in a two door car. I have often felt this is a not being in control issue, however death does play a major part. But..... It can't just be a death thing as there are numerous other situations like riding a lift that don't worry me. That would suggest that I trust the mechanics but not the controller. I do still fly but only with either blockers or lashings of alcohol (which puts in danger of being the hoax bomb prick) every now and again I think I'm cured but I'm not. could the answer lie in the first sentence?
  6. Love the profile pic.
  7. You know you'll have to feed him and clean up his poo?
  8. Have done the full spectrum , smooth to ZZ Top. I prefer a bit of winter plumage, but clean once it starts to warm up.
  9. Coors ? I'll leave that to students etc thanks. Have you had a nice evening chatting to idealistic fuckwits over the internet on all the worlds problems and how to solve them in one easy lesson bump.........for anyone else to reply ie the do gooders and idealistic fuckwits Clearly a Miller Lite ( weight) then.
  10. Good for you ..and I've come to the conclusion you should be sent home to Africa.
  11. your going end up being one of the 3 aren't you ooh, you think I'll be lucky enough? Depends if NJS ticked the box saying he'd accept a transsexual. Then no unless he also ticked the box marked pre-op. Still got the frank & beans, eh? not telling, its good to keep a little mystery back. he'll learn that when he goes on his dates, all the crazies keep a little back til they get you on your own. e.g. single white female, basic instinct, fatal attraction, crying game............. So, if they are tucked away, in a Mangina fashion, does that not then look like a huge set of Farmers, or a potty accident, when seen from behind?
  12. I've been out gaining vital life experience.
  13. Tru dat. Best "relationships" I've had always started with girls from work or through friends. Helps you filter out the crazies. Also, don't think I'd have sufficient respect for a girl I pulled Ina bar/club to actually se her again haha didn't think you were that much of a pleb So ironic it's actually hurting.
  14. Is it a boycoutt we're after havin den Ted? *Typed in shit comedy Oirish accent*
  15. Been out for a few pints of Coors Leazes?
  16. If you'd filmed that, you could've made a bliddy fortune selling to our Nipponese friends.
  17. What the mammogram ones? Perky Pinks Please.
  18. Does this mean you'll post a piccy of your ta-tas so we can all celebrate?
  19. finding this funny alex? Farnies lass told me she finds him hilarious in the nip. I told her it was rude to talk with her mouth full, and allowed her to rest my cock on her forehead momentarily. I know you're not as stupid as you look. Nobody could be... Thought I'd let you know, so that when you next kiss her and your heads stick together, you'll think of me.
  20. finding this funny alex? Farnies lass told me she finds him hilarious in the nip. I told her it was rude to talk with her mouth full, and allowed her to rest my cock on her forehead momentarily.
  21. finding this funny alex? finding this funny alex?
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