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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Monkeys Fist


    Is that you in your avatar? I have avatars off (cos sometimes they are of ladies in the buff and that would look dodgy if I was at work or whatever) so I clicked on his profile. Farnie, go see a doctor, you look ill! Just done the same. I'm listed as a "friend". WTF? How's that work then? You have to hump his lass. So how come half of the board isn't his 'friend'?
  2. Mrs. Fist has a "Mexican"*does that count? * same as a Brazilian but rougher and has a whiff of shit about it.
  3. She also likes Wipeout by Dick Dale, Woo Hoo by the 5678s, Voodoo Chile by Hendrix, and Soul Sacrifice by Santana. ... and Jai Ho by that Pussycat bird, and Tubthumping by whotsit
  4. Peytar Reid. Anything less would be a dereliction of the Fat One's mission.
  5. This, hence my "pleasantly surprised". Still shite though.
  6. Monkeys Fist


    Is that you in your avatar? I have avatars off (cos sometimes they are of ladies in the buff and that would look dodgy if I was at work or whatever) so I clicked on his profile. Farnie, go see a doctor, you look ill! Just done the same. I'm listed as a "friend". WTF? How's that work then?
  7. Peter & the Wolf - Prokofiev. The wee chimp loves it (2 yrs old).
  8. are you talking about Freddie Shepherd, who "anybody would do better"........ No , you tedious old fart. I'm talking about Mike Ashley, just so there's no confusion or ambiguity.
  9. I've had a nagging suspicion for a while that The Fat One has instructed Hughton to always play our highest earners when fit, regardless of suitability. "If I'm paying 'em, you play 'em" This suspicion is rapidly becoming a belief.
  10. Nothing unexpected really- not well liked or respected amongst "football" circles, uses slave labour to make his cheap tat. Biggest shock the Beefy interviews- WTF?
  11. tis you to a tee you're clueless like, but OK I suppose ... so you're not going to answer the question then? not ignored if it makes sense and not defending them do gooder style it's pretty straight forward old man , Why are your generalisations permissible and others' are not? oh dear. You are showing your immaturity by resorting to such comments.........
  12. Ffs, get Butt off. That was a woeful "attempt".
  13. anyone got any decent 'small rivers'? had italian, arabic,and spanish commentary, and an english feed jumpier than a mackem in a job centre.
  14. Ringtone is the opening guitar riff of Thickfreakness by the Black Keys message alert is Quagmire's " Giggedee Giggedee"
  15. Come on down Bubba and I'll show you what "Big" is , Sweetypie.
  16. Made a beef casserole at ghe weekend, in a Mediterranean stylee. Flavoured with Smoked paprika, fennel seeds, garlic and saffron. I must say it was feckin gorgeous.
  17. 1:Staying in digs in Liverpool with a free bar! 2: I'm amazed at the number of beggars in Bindippersville- in a 10 minute walk from job to digs was approached 3 times for " a pound for a coffee, la" 3: My good lady wife is baking a baby , due in mid June. 4: I am currently appreciating the finely sculpted arse of the Irish bird in the bar queue. 5: would love to be a fly o the wall in Simon Jordan's office - Twat.
  18. When you come out of the station( assuming you're getting the train), turn left and walk 200 yds. You'll see the Life Centre. The bars in the square here, and the surrounding area, are all very welcoming. 7 blokes in a group should have no problems gaining entry.
  19. Hmmm, looking at the main picture there, she looks like she's got a bit of a Nikki Lauder going on with the ears. As if that would put you off!
  20. 'Orwellian' Looks 19 from behind, but 84 from the front. Similar to a Kronenbourg. 1664?
  21. You know you'll have to feed him and clean up his poo? clean whos poo ? Watch out Stephen Hawkings, you have competition.
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