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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Right lads no offence but you really are rippin the arse of this thing? what is an egg?
  2. Wahey- get in son! "Black & White Brazil" DVD anyone?
  3. Just got in- who scored our second? Btw, get the fuck in! * just checked- own goal , sweet.
  4. Was that our Geordie Ambassador ? The opening line of a thread i started. Aah... So what had Tom done to upset you?
  5. *bloody CCTV , got me red handed... or brown nosed*
  6. Was that our Geordie Ambassador ?
  7. Vyvian or Akinbyi? Attacking midfielder? What's one of those ....
  8. Sorry Parky, I had a very traumatic day yesterday, which sadly is still with me today, no one died or anything but I'll reply in a few days when I've settled down a bit. From yesterday's Telegraph "Thu, 04 Feb 2010 00:40:04 +0000 A third of Britons think Peter Griffin from Family Guy is the leader of the BNP A third of Britons believe Peter Griffin, the character from Family Guy, is the leader of the British National Party, a study has found. The study, in which respondents were asked to put names to photographs of well-known public figures, showed that David Cameron is the best recognised opposition politician, with 73 per cent of people identifying him as the leader of the Conservative Party. Gordon Brown was the most recognised politician with 81% of people matching his face to his name, but Alex Reid, the cage fighter was still better known, with 84 per cent of respondents recognising him. The survey, by the money-saving website MyVoucherCodes, also showed that 41 per cent of people identified a photograph of Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, as the Dragons' Den entrepreneur Peter Jones." I feel for you Stevie
  9. wasn't quite as inbred then and basically "in those days" and aged 17, anything with breasts was a result. Good job for him The Fish is younger than you then.
  10. Wasn't there something like that available here about 20 years ago? Can't for the life of me remember the brand name, but they dropped like a stone after mouth cancer scares? Skol Bandits? Remember them? Anyway, has anyone tried them things that vaporise tabacco and aren't supposed to carcinogenic (sp?) I assumed it's the same idea as the ones for smurking durp. Skol Bandits! That's them! Went the way of Skol Lager- thankfully.
  11. I shall be viewing a B&W short film this afternoon, of my 21 week old unborn babby! Wahey!!! Wrong thread , but Hey Ho!
  12. Wasn't there something like that available here about 20 years ago? Can't for the life of me remember the brand name, but they dropped like a stone after mouth cancer scares?
  13. Let us know if you see any mackems.
  14. * puts on sexy Cadburys Caramel bunny voice* This isn't help... this is Toontastic help.
  15. "Dad,you Cunt!" Jesus 32 A.D.
  16. Spoiling for a fight Manc? Last orders has been called and you know what that means...
  17. 1: What is an egg? 2: Where are the eggs? 3: How much are eggs? Reckon that'll sort you,like.
  18. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson I hate quotations. Tell me what you know. Ralph Waldo Emerson US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)
  19. Monkeys Fist


    All the Bestys Besty
  20. Read this thread with interest- the whole list of problems detailed all ultimately come down to one man's piss poor decision making. Getting rid of Llamearse is one thing- who in their right mind, of any quality, would take his job? Mort was shown in the tribunal to be as deep into the lying as the rest, so I would be reluctant to see him back- I struggle to think of any other replacement for Dekka who isn't in the Ashley 'mob'. As long as he's the owner, no-one with any credibility will come anywhere near us.
  21. He might think otherwise, since he was a parent at that age. (17 at the oldest).
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