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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Best of luck Craig- some tricky times ahead with the wee one I fear.
  2. There are a lot of aspects of Islam I despise (I presume that's where you're going) but its very simplistic to say they are uncaring - the respect for the family and the way they look after older relatives is one aspect a lot of western countries could learn from. he's stated his case and he is correct. People like you spout on about those among us in the west not being prepared to encompass Islam and say it is "racist" yet you turn a total blind eye to the fact that they do not and will not adapt to any other culture anywhere. I just don't get why you defend these racists and continue to do so at every opportunity. That demonstrates a Lack of Understanding.
  3. "I did not have sexual intercousre with Stevie" ( but I've kept the Toon top he jizzed all over in the freezer just in case)
  4. Should've bought a Mac.
  5. clicky You've got to be one harsh bastard to do that to your bairn like... Child abuse- plain and simple
  6. You failed in getting a shelf stacking job? Oh unlucky mate! Theres always McDonalds... well, .cock, you have no idea how hard it is to get a jab now adays. So i tell you, go fuck yourself. I've been offered a couple in the last few months so in my experience not very hard at all. And if Cheech can get a job, anyone can Still licking windows?
  7. Wake planned for the w/e apparently. Banner planned for the next home game too click
  8. By the by, he'll be loving that this thread has rumble on for so long. Thinking that those wailing that's it not fair, some how mitigate his behaviour. When really the people shouting loudest that he shouldn't have been banned are not doing it because they disagree with his treatment and simply because they agree with his politics. I knew it was you...Fallout from modgate innit. new avatar for Fish
  9. So it WAS YOU THEN??? I cannot tell a lie, it was I what chopped down that cherry tree, innit The Dear Departed would be livid to have the name Washington associated with him, "full of mackems".
  10. No, what matters is why it happened yesterday following Craigs attack and Stevies retalliation. But it doesn't really mate.
  11. Because he's half Indian?
  12. Take away KOL and you might be onto a winner. Add Thrice, RHCP and Brand New though. Actually not much muse either please. :rolleyes: in other words, write a whole new list Only half a new list. Can you dig me half a hole? Can do, but with only half a spade. " Bawm chikka wawm ba bawm ba bawm chikka chee Can You Dig It" I. Hayes - Shaft.
  13. Take away KOL and you might be onto a winner. Add Thrice, RHCP and Brand New though. Actually not much muse either please. :rolleyes: in other words, write a whole new list Only half a new list. Can you dig me half a hole?
  14. Stop. The programme, above, is not really on. He is making it up. Booo!
  15. Take away KOL and you might be onto a winner. Add Thrice, RHCP and Brand New though. Actually not much muse either please. :lol: in other words, write a whole new list
  16. Seen them live a few times. Hilarious "Does Humour Belong in Music?"
  17. Heard Stevie was banned and couldn't face life without him.
  18. Stevie passed on 10/02/2010 "Yanks- cunts the lot of them" Look North are running a special on Stevie's banning tonight at 9:30pm BBC2 http://www.bbc.co.uk/looknorth/insideout/s...youreatwat=8976
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