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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. At the risk of a 'Leazes' told you so, we weren't too far away from that when the fuckwit took over.
  2. Credit to the mackem for getting a literate mate to write that for him
  3. I think you're onto something here. There ought to be a tramp's rate card for this sort of thing: Front doors of SD shop - 5 Inside the shop - 10 Over the shop merchandise (excl toon tops) - 20 In Ashley's office - 100 Front doors of Ashley's house - 150 In Ashley's petrol tank - 500 On Ashley's food - 750 In Ashley's face - 1,000 If I could guarantee he was in at the time, I'd happily pay a few hundred quid for a handy tramp to drop a " Flaming Parcel" on Wor Mike's doorstep.
  4. No, but theres so many baa'ing sheep in this thread its like a stoning from Monty Python. We all know the History that started under Fat Fred (for leazes), looked canny for a bit with Mort and then blew up having rushed in Keegan. And we all know the heap of mistakes made since. But, unlike some on here I dont hold Ashley solely responsible for everything thats gone wrong or dismiss every statement that is made simply because of the past. Ashley tried to copy Tottenham, tried to put a structure in place and was very badly advised by poorly qualified people (Llambias). But the past is the past and this season is going in the right direction (opposite to what most on here were predicting early doors). Hughton has been backed and the GOAL this year was to get promoted. That looks as though it may happen and we will see what comes next. But constantly moaning on does fuck all for the club. At times its like a fucking Ian Paisley convention. Life moves on. Me neither mate, I dismiss them because they come from clueless fuckwits who have been proven as liars when it comes to press statements.
  5. Damn the alcohol! T'would have been the perfect ending- as opposed to the actual ' gwaaan ya mad basser' which i came out with
  6. Do you need .Com to tell you how you feel about the Fat One? Whilst I agree we are stuck with the bastard for now, by no means whatsoever does that excuse or forgive Ashley's monumental failure in every aspect of running this club. Just in case you've forgotten; Dennis fucking Wise never forgive never forget
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...on-village.html "The dungeon was also stuffed with "various electrical vibrating" items and a recording studio complete with computer equipment and mixing desk. " "Ds Gilroy said the home – near a Tesco supermarket – had been a suspected brothel and police had expected to make a forced entry. "
  8. I think the likes of Armchair Pundit definitely need locking up, who by his own admission would derive pleasure from carrying out such an act. I'm also quite concerned by the suggestion that he currently works for the NHS. You don't think he was taking the piss? I did tbh, I wasn't being serious, but then he follows it up with a more serious post supporting capital punishment so I'm not so sure now! Alright, alright, settle down. For the record I think we're all aware that things aren't so black and white as to the pros and cons for such things, personally IF guilt was provable to a satisfactory degree then I would prefer a murderer dead themselves rather than being alive and costing me the money of housing them and feeding them in a prisons. At the end of the day it'd never happen though because there would always be that doubt by someone that the perp might be the victim of a miscarriage of justice. Just out of curiosity I wonder how much money is spent keeping murderers alive and what percentage they take up in the overall amount of criminals in prison. And damn your hides for making me post a more serious response! The answer is to build a wall around s*nderland, then dump them all in there in an " Escape from New York" stylee. Keeps everyone happy
  9. just because someone doesn't agree with your anti west do gooder bollocks doesn't make them a right wing reactionary Touche Leazes'd
  10. just because someone doesn't agree with your anti west do gooder bollocks doesn't make them a right wing reactionary Which anti west do gooder posting of mine do you mean exactly, you addled old tart?
  11. As a wee aside, I was in Aberdeen the other week. Whilst wobbling back from pub to digs, I was asked by one of Aberdeen's numerous beggars for "any spare change?" He was stationed outside Sp***s D****t, so I told him if he pissed all over the shop doors I'd give him a fiver. He did- I paid. ( I know , I know, I was bevvied M'Lud)
  12. And Mikes now going to takeover Blacks on the cheap. Its ugly but its good business. Another shop on the bouycoutt list. I just hope the fat cunt doesn't start buying food shops.
  13. Just because someone doesn't agree with your right-wing reactionary bollocks doesn't make them Anti-West.
  14. D'you think the kid was grounded?
  15. I thought it was because Thatcher's popularity was at a record low. By the end it was at a record high. I'd say that makes me a cynic, but then, Leazes would say it makes me naive. No I wouldn't. Her popularity had sank from when she had been elected a few years earlier [which govt doesn't, not many] but she also had no opposition - I think Michael Foot may have been Labour Leader, who was nothing but a tramp and a lunatic. Yes, the Falklands propelled her in the popularity stakes. I think the majority of people realised the Falklands had to be done, apart from the idealistic anti-war mongs. There is no way Argentina would have negotiated over the Falklands, they wanted them back and the only way it would be done was by military means. He was in the wrong age (ie media etc) to ever have a chance of being PM but he had more intelligence and principles in his little toe than you could ever dream of. such as ? He looked a fuckin tramp at the Cenotaph man. That's it - one inappropriate choice of coat in an age when image is all that counts and a man is dismissed. Pathetic. Since its topical today, and to defend his honour, does Foot really look that scruffy in this photograph? I thought it was supposed ot be a Donkey Jacket as well? If anyone would care to point out the differences between Foot and the Odious Geoffrey behind him I'd love to hear it?
  16. RIP. I put Foot in the same bracket as Benn- almost too principled and intelligent for politics. As mentioned above , I'd love to know Cameron's principles ( other than his Fix Broken Britain schtick). Jesus, the thought of Cameron in charge of Britain makes me shudder with revulsion.
  17. Dear Dekka, Can I politely suggest you keep schtum, unless you have something sensible to say. By sensible, I mean " Mike has sold the club and we are fucking off back to Lahndon. " yours reasonably A paying customer
  18. Leazes, Stevie, Gejon, Manc-Mag, Sima, Renton, Alex & Fish all going at it on the same page; After a brief hiatus due to the digital changeover,normal Toontastic service is resumed.
  19. The Daily Sport. Incisive writing, really gets to the heart of Stacey's ( 36D from Essex) true feelings on the global economy. Also Revelation- C.J.Sansom.
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