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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Apocalypse Now & Raging Bull Two of the best films ever made RIP 80s kid star.
  2. Or.... .... Cut the tree down before it falls down.
  3. I'm surprised the weather had the bottle to flood his house
  4. Good Luck mate. I hitched from Washington services to the French Mediterranean several times. Took me 2 and a half days. Calais is a bastard to hitch out of. If you can, get a lift sorted with a trucker in Dover. It's even worth heading off route just to get away from Calais. ( even though I was heading south, I took a lift heading to Belgium, and got out at a more hitcher friendly spot. Are you supposed to stay in groups of 3? If you can, split to get out of Calais and arrange a meeting point somewhere else.
  5. Do you think we have " pissed" this league? It's been pretty bloody easy even when we have played shit. I would say Acca was a lot closer in his prediction than you were and I don't see where he took the piss out of your opinion either At the time, 2 games in, no permanent manager, unwilling owner, what did you feel Gejon? Looked back thru the various threads at the time and can't find your opinion. Acca got one thing right- the standard of this league is poor. Well done Acca, have a cigar.
  6. Ironic, eh? No. hahahaha..................its great reading them posts from last july......most people thought we would be shit...........apart from acca who was spot on.....i bet you people feel fools right now ..... I dont feel a fool at all, Im thankful Acca appears to have been right but there was nothing back in September to say we were going to do anything other than ok in this league. neither do I. My main concern was about the morale of the club, I feared it would be so bad that we would struggle, but Hughton has done a great job. Having said that, we also sold our best players and what replacements that came in were cheaper and inferior ones. To summarise, we can only throw away promotion now, but to anyone with any delusions, the team we started with last season was better than the one we have now, and that team was relegated. What is indisputable, is Mike Ashley has lowered expectations so much that a lot of supporters would see simply existing in the top league to be acceptable, while we sell our best players to the big clubs such as Fulham and Wigan. Agree Leazes, well put. At the time, I didn't feel in the least bit foolish to be cautious and pessimistic. Assuming we do gain promotion, I'd like to hear the " predictions" of Acca, CT etc.
  7. Made a bit of a fist of that prediction At the time, it's how I felt. Fence sitting (see your post quoted) is as easy as hindsight though, eh?
  8. Probably was aliens. Never mind " probably " , you're either on the bus or you're not- which is it Dark Lord? Hmmmm
  9. One of my relatives witnessed it first hand- Schmeichel was heaving in the back of the goal, whilst the ground staff poured water on the pitch to try and wash away the blood patch. Unfortunately accurate surname too.
  10. Knew you wouldnt leave me hanging, bro! You're killing me.
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