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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Not in the eyes of the media it seems. Although it is 17 years ago and culture has changed, I find it hard to comprehend how a mother can leave her 3 year old child outside a shop while she's inside. There are unsubstantiated rumours around Liverpool that she was shop-lifting as well. Isn't that the normal way Scousers shop?
  2. What's staggering is that the Chairman of a business feels it's ok to express such barely concealed contempt for arguably his most loyal customers. Unless of course the one man above fully agrees with this contempt.
  3. So what was the message the team put across last season? Pipe down, you're being unreasonable.
  4. : "Whenever we've tried to communicate it's always ended up backfiring somewhere along the line. We're quite happy now to sit back and let our team do the talking." D'you think he means being proved as liars? Take your own advice Dekka- stfu and watch the match.
  5. I now fully expect our support to realise the error of their ways and pay their money and shut their mouths. Club sanctioned songsheets will be handed out at the next home game. Anyone caught singing non-sanctioned songs will be asked to sit nicely in the directors box, where they can feel the love of REAL fans. Club Sanctioned Song 1a; Ee aye ee aye ee aye o Up the Champeenship we go If we hear you moaning This is what we'll sing "We are grateful Ever so grateful Big Mike is our King! ( and a lovely bloke to boot). "
  6. Away end or mixing with the smogs? We've put feelers out for away end tickets, but I've been in the Boro end about 4 or 5 times now, they're mugs but it's no bother, the one year we got chucked out we got put in the toon end, 4-1 game. The deed is done, east stand upper. I'm sure I'll be fine because I'll more than likely be surrounded by vast swathes of empty seats. Wear a tracksuit, get addicted to smack, dribble out the side of your mouth, and glue a baby to your cock - you'll blend right in.
  7. ;) I think that very same thing , far too often.
  8. The temptation to leave an arseprint on Dekka's office window next week may be to much to resist
  9. Used to- left the company that does it and set up on our own. Give it time though and we'll have the Sage
  10. One of the lads at work was telling me he was walking his kids to school the other day and stopped to chat to a mate before going in. Stood on the pavement by the yellow zig-zags, he's suddenly aware of a tart in a CR-V stopped in the road near them. Looks round to see the window open and her shout "are you going to fucking move or what? I want to park up on there!" Hope he responded accordingly.
  11. Took these at work earlier this week, thought you chaps might like a few different views of the Ground and its surroundings.
  12. You should drink more HF end of thread that post tbh.
  13. I agree with what this well informed and not in the least bit drunk fecker says!
  14. Oops, wrong thread for the last bit! Trop de vino collapso!
  15. Maybe, but when has it been seen in a Black & White shirt? I don't doubt he could be our most talented player, question is will he be? How many chances do you give? Of course, the real question in this thread is not which players can cut it in the PL, but can our manager?
  16. Dear Joseph, Get fit Fuck off. How's that sound? Phil, on what basis is he our best player? Goals? assists? Passing? This piss taker is , if rumours are true, siphoning approx. £60,000 a week from our club to go to jail, anger management classes, community service, and make the occaisonal interview expressing his contrition. Once in a blue moon he pulls on our shirt and disgraces it. How , exactly, is he our best player?
  17. Whossat then? I believe they toured the bowling alleys of every Canadian province and recorded one of those shows. There was a track on last weeks All Songs Considered. EDIT: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1633562/2...309/story.jhtml Cheers HF, i am a bit partial to the 'Stripes. Will go Isohunting for it
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