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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Is anyone else a bit worried by the fact they had to selotape a piece of paper to it with an arrow and the instructions with how to turn it on? As for the webcam, I'd be so tempted if I was down there to suddenly pop in front of it, waving my arms around and shouting 'Help! Help!' Just for the craic like. can I draw attention to the tie the bloke with the wrench is wearing?
  2. Versus Jesus in a " Celebrity Death Match". Winner takes all.
  3. Personally, my wee brother, who died on 2007. Otherwise, Jimi Hendrix John Smith ( former Labour Leader, would be interesting to see how things would've been with him). Dougal Haston ( mountaineer) Sir Bobby
  4. Venomous eyes peering over the top of steak bakes most likely. Poetry that mate Hats off to Shearer btw.
  5. SJH- step up and put your money where your mouth is. On the one hand he bangs on about regional ownership and the clubs belonging to the people, then has a sly dig at NUST. Why not help them out with cash & experience instead of rubbishing the idea Johnny? Help the fans? but how would they pay him for that help? Surely they dont expect it for free? the fucking peasants. Aye, silly me. And here I was thinking Johnny was “ a capitalist with a social conscience,” , err.... Wait.
  6. Monkeys Fist


    When I was seriously into rock climbing, I ALWAYS, without fail, had a polished Haematite pebble in my chalkbag whilst doing a route. No idea how that started, but it was bloody important at the time. Also never put my left shoe on first.
  7. It was Howard Webb - I'd add Bennet, D'Arso and I think it was Barry Knight who let that GBH on Bernard go at Everton that time. Thomas fuckin Gravesen. Utter twat. Bergkamp Wenger Solskjaer Andy Townsend Ronnie fuckin Radford LeBoeuf Chelsea Slaven J*dy Cr*ddock Come the revolution, all exterminated.
  8. SJH- step up and put your money where your mouth is. On the one hand he bangs on about regional ownership and the clubs belonging to the people, then has a sly dig at NUST. Why not help them out with cash & experience instead of rubbishing the idea Johnny?
  9. Monkeys Fist


    When I have a shite, I always lift my right leg to wipe. Was in a cubicle recently where I couldn't. Not happy
  10. 37 (20) guess what that is But that's 17 games he didn't score in.
  11. Happy Birthday young 'un.
  12. Oops, it seems the poor bugger has died twice! Admin, feel free to merge this thread into CT's.
  13. Peter Graves, the actor who played Jim Phelps in the original Mission Impossible tv series, has died of a heart attack aged 83. RIP. This thread will self destruct in 5 seconds.
  14. Hopes- The day after we win this league, Ashley announces we have been bought by a NUST/ Shearer/ Keegan consortium. Shearer is announced as manager, with Clarky his assistant, Keegan as DoF. We finish respectably in the top 10, have an incredible Cup run and paste the mackems 9-0 in the final. ( the same day Sports Direct goes into receivership). Expectations- £6-8 million spent in summer on 3 underwhelming signings. Struggle to get higher than 16th all season with an alarming dip at Christmas. "More than two" credible bids of £300 million announced and then ignored. Hughton replaced in February by some sub- Kinnear joke.
  15. Beckham won't be going- tore his Achilles tendon against Chievo this weekend. Could be game over for his career.
  16. Indeed it is... just over the road from this: Shame all that's gone now Ah, The Amphetamine Discount Store, happy days!
  17. He wasn't in that either. If he'd done half what people think he has he'd deserve a thread. As it is, it's of little more cultural significance than the death of Bamboo Harvester. RIP like. That was the point Just like my whole point!!!!!!!! Only nobody but my brother gets it when I do it!!! You're all just no fun. And no it wasn't a statement, it was a shit joke, with a built in transformers reference specially for my bro. Humph. Women can't do comedy.
  18. He is. Do you know him? Aye- Gary fuckchops if the surname is correct. I used to be good mates with his younger brother thanks Pud!
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