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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Well said Unrepentant. In the chequered history of this club, this thing is feckin handbags. Hope the pugilist scores, 3-2 to us.
  2. aaaiiieeeeee!!! ( jap death cry) grunffff!! ( german death cry) loved them
  3. Hughton's first real test as a manager. Truth or bullshit? Which will he choose?
  4. Or give him a job as Fat Mikes minder.
  5. Don't make the bet, CT. We'll miss you when you're gone! Dang, did I say that? It's as good as it gets mate!
  6. I heard the punch was thrown at Barton, who was 20ft away.
  7. The Thread on RTG - 10 pages currently!!! And they're not obsessed?
  8. Typical! Why couldn't he have lamped feckin Butt?? Useless Twat
  9. You dirty old dog!! Salma Salma Salma :icon_lol:
  10. I've been giving my full and unswerving support to the club through this whole debacle. What exactly are you bringing to the table Mr Boycott? Fairly transparent weak wummery? Wahey, Mr in depth arrives with a stunning contribution. What's the point, you're being contrary and pointedly controversial. Tour stand point isn't "Ashley has been good for this club" it's that you feel we should take solace from some of the things that have gone right. However that's not half as much fun as appointing yourself chief cheer leader and declaring all who hold (reasonable) grievances with his stewardship, are pessmista and/or wrong. You're on the wind up and it's pretty tedious to be honest A typical weak response. There is nothing controversial in saying that a repentant and 60th richest man in the uk might be our best chance of getting back to glory days. It is a serious argument because those facts are true. A serious counter argument would be to make a case for the NUSC lot or Barry Moat etc But simply to keep looking back to Keegan and the last two years does nothing for the discussion on what happens next. what happens next is the Fatman does the bare minimum to protect his investment, and sells to the first person who'll give him a good price. Unrealistic? Of course thats a possible outcome made more possible by the ongoing weekly abuse......BUT the question was how he could be our best way back to the top 4. NUSC aint going to get us there, neither is Barry Moat. If you really believe that, you want your head looking at. As for him being our best way back to the top 4???????? Nice picture but still no counter route back to the top 4 (btw, it would be so funny the next time your doing Llambias windows if you looked in and saw him at his pc with Toontastic on the screen. ) Wouldn't surprise me in the least- he clearly does fuck all else but wait for the latest press statement from Mikey boy. Ohh... and make cunning plans of how to get back in the top 4 with a Championship squad full of loanees.
  11. And what has Ashley done to give you the slightest idea top 4 is anywhere on his "to do" list?
  12. I've been giving my full and unswerving support to the club through this whole debacle. What exactly are you bringing to the table Mr Boycott? Fairly transparent weak wummery? Wahey, Mr in depth arrives with a stunning contribution. What's the point, you're being contrary and pointedly controversial. Tour stand point isn't "Ashley has been good for this club" it's that you feel we should take solace from some of the things that have gone right. However that's not half as much fun as appointing yourself chief cheer leader and declaring all who hold (reasonable) grievances with his stewardship, are pessmista and/or wrong. You're on the wind up and it's pretty tedious to be honest A typical weak response. There is nothing controversial in saying that a repentant and 60th richest man in the uk might be our best chance of getting back to glory days. It is a serious argument because those facts are true. A serious counter argument would be to make a case for the NUSC lot or Barry Moat etc But simply to keep looking back to Keegan and the last two years does nothing for the discussion on what happens next. what happens next is the Fatman does the bare minimum to protect his investment, and sells to the first person who'll give him a good price. Unrealistic? Of course thats a possible outcome made more possible by the ongoing weekly abuse......BUT the question was how he could be our best way back to the top 4. NUSC aint going to get us there, neither is Barry Moat. If you really believe that, you want your head looking at. As for him being our best way back to the top 4????????
  13. I had a nightmare last night- I was on a flight to Oz, sat between CT and Leazes. :icon_lol:
  14. I've been giving my full and unswerving support to the club through this whole debacle. What exactly are you bringing to the table Mr Boycott? Fairly transparent weak wummery? Wahey, Mr in depth arrives with a stunning contribution. What's the point, you're being contrary and pointedly controversial. Tour stand point isn't "Ashley has been good for this club" it's that you feel we should take solace from some of the things that have gone right. However that's not half as much fun as appointing yourself chief cheer leader and declaring all who hold (reasonable) grievances with his stewardship, are pessmista and/or wrong. You're on the wind up and it's pretty tedious to be honest A typical weak response. There is nothing controversial in saying that a repentant and 60th richest man in the uk might be our best chance of getting back to glory days. It is a serious argument because those facts are true. A serious counter argument would be to make a case for the NUSC lot or Barry Moat etc But simply to keep looking back to Keegan and the last two years does nothing for the discussion on what happens next. what happens next is the Fatman does the bare minimum to protect his investment, and sells to the first person who'll give him a good price. Unrealistic?
  15. A guy travelled from Melbourne to watch Blackburn Rovers, only for his train to break down his way to the match. link ouch
  16. It's funny- I'm constantly telling people at work that Jason Lee used to be a great skater. Dunno who all he skated for over the years; he was with Santa Cruz when I was into skating. Watched Fourth Kind last night. Wasn't bad. Kinda miffed at the deliberate misleading regarding the archive footage business, but the movie does have some legit scary moments and doesn't do too badly as a sort of Blair Witch wannabe project. clip here skip to 55 secs to start
  17. Quite the opposite my friend, I have every respect for Baggio in that he actually believed what he was saying and learnt the hard way. You on the other hand are a contrary fucker who changes his views more often than his kegs. You know why you wont accept the bet, its because you know that you're taking the opposing view to the majority, because that makes you seem more interesting. It gives you something to make people read and reply to your posts. You did it from day one, many people on this board believed you were actually part of some club funded plan to change around the views of the fans by coming on places such as this. Most however realised quite soon that wasnt the case, surely nobody could have been paying you to put that shit on I'd take any bet but not posting on here for 6 months wouldnt sort anything, like MF says we'd be lost without you here. Loser has to wear a t-shirt printed to the others design to the next home match after the transfer window has ended, we go to the game together (loser pays for the pair of tickets obviously). I'll happily let Kitman take rightful credit for that wee gem. I think the tshirt bet is a cracking idea- seats in Level 7 of course.
  18. CT been on the Baileys/Kronenbourg combo's again?
  19. I'm with CT on this one. I'm quite prepared to forget the snide, backstabbing disdain KK was subject to. I'm quite prepared to forget the appointment of a complete joke as our manager (JFK) I'm quite prepared to forget being lied to and treated with thinly veiled contempt by Board & Owner. I'm quite prepared to forget the hollow feelings of pain and shame that avoidable relegation brought. I'm quite prepared to forget all the other shit thrown my way by Ashley & Co. Don't worry though, the wind is forecast to change direction tomorrow, and with it my dearly held principles. (moved this from another thread, was meant for here).
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