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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’ve done this When I was a hippy. edit; it’s mentioned in the Ed’s Blog Welcome Thread
  2. Come on now Renton! How’s he expected to do this, aaand get back in time for his nap before Countdown and The Chase? ffs.
  3. Whys this daft cunt got a lilo? There’s no swimming pools on El Cap! ( Also, these lads shit in Pringles tubes and have to carry it out with all their gear Take that filthy arse spelunkers! )
  4. Anything as long as it’s not got seeds in- they get stuck in your dentures.
  5. Gemmill getting his arse handed to him on a plate here… …a plate, on a doily, on a tartan tray, with a selection of nice biscuits.
  6. You’ve got a special pair of “indoor-only” Crocs for The Static, haven’t you?
  7. The day I even think about buying a static caravan is the day I’ve given up on life.
  8. It’s not too far to ramble back from the bingo at the clubhouse either. 👍
  9. Also (I don’t think it is, tbh. Looks like a capping stone from the parapet that’s probably being held up by roots and wishful thinking. ) edit; aye looking again it’s a capstone, with a railing rod holding it up. Fuck me- the whole parapet has gone here like. That’s several tens of tons of stone and rubble just washed out.
  10. From my time inspecting these very structures, this will have been flagged by inspectors and duly ignored. ( I’m assuming this was caused by the heavy rain washing out the parapet, not a strike of some kind. ) The state of some of the Victorian rail bridges, particularly those “out of sight” is terrifying tbh.
  11. Which scene in particular did you break your wrists to in Red Sparrow?
  12. He’d float down on his fucking jowls.
  13. How many times did you rage-quit trying that one?
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