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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Quite possibly the most bone chilling scene ever is the Alleyway scene involving this guy
  2. indeed, my comment wasn't meant as a slight btw.....just remarking on the difference between there and here. for instance it would take you 24 hours of straight driving to make it from toronto to the border of Manitoba. Or it took me 19 hours of driving to drive 2/3 of the distance across (Smithers to Trail) BC. None taken mate. I find the distances involved on the North American continent mind blowing.
  3. The road distance(cycling) is 874 miles. The most commonly taken off road (walking) route is 1,200 miles. For a small island though, we pack some varied and stunning scenery in.
  4. Yeah, even the radio news is being very careful about how they word the reports on that one. The girls mother has made an appeal for more information today.....I expect it will turn out like this one, which will stink in more ways than one.... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2...15875-22139698/ Why did they feel the need to print a photo of a freezer with that 2nd article?
  5. It was a few weekends ago I think. I missed it too, and was a bit peed off Badly under promoted.
  6. How would Hughton have done with Keegans team, and vice versa?
  7. I remember being pretty blown away by the landing of the Mothership in Close Encounters when I first saw it at the piccys. Star Wars ( whatever the first one is now called) too was like nothing else at the time.
  8. Great film "I mean to have you, boy, even if it must be burglary!"
  9. Opening scenes of Saving Private Ryan and Inglourious Basterds were great. The car chase in Bullitt. The fight scenes in Raging Bull, particularly the Sugar Ray ones. LOTR , when the Riders of Rohan charge into the mackem hordes. Cleopatra's entrance into Rome in the 1963 Burton & Taylor film. The egg scene-Cool Hand Luke. None particularly highbrow but all memorable IMHO.
  10. Taking Carrolls bird for a day out.
  11. CT suffering from Leazesmania??? It'll get you kicked off NO mind.
  12. or with any luck, somebody might bring in all these despicable trophy players, qualify for europe with them, and be totally despised for "overspending" or embarrassing us all.
  13. Monkeys Fist


    Happy Birthday old chap! Creaky joints on the way!
  14. Hasn't Fat Mike "demanded a probe"? And thank fuck that was offside!
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