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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Ungrateful? Unreasonable,shirley Derek?
  2. Fucking hell, just voted Harper- can't believe it was 50/50. Harper is far from perfect but ffs????
  3. Aye. Any more naked streaks across the pitch booked in Derek?
  4. Might just do that. Aye right-o. Just remember, casualty is now at the General, not the RVI.
  5. You really expect the fans to thank FMA??? *shakes head in utter disbelief* Why don't you get yourself along CT and start a "One Mike Ashley-there's only one Mike Ashley" song? No? Thought not.
  6. Prisoner # 776579!!!!! get in
  7. Canny= evil, sick , twisted. "He's a canny bloke"= beware! That fellow is evil incarnate. "I woke up canny ill"= I thought I was dead, so sick was I Ah thank you You geordies have the oddest of words at times My pleasure young shaver
  8. Pud Jnr. -"Fatha! Pint- now!!!"
  9. Like comparing a shit sandwich to a jizz pasty.
  10. Canny= evil, sick , twisted. "He's a canny bloke"= beware! That fellow is evil incarnate. "I woke up canny ill"= I thought I was dead, so sick was I
  11. Nolan!! Perfect time for an equaliser.
  12. Lowes on Radio Newcastle was speculating that this team selection indicates Hughton is going for the title. I can see what he means but I would've that was a given?
  13. Should still be able to beat these c**ts.
  14. Best & Ameobi up front. Barton ,Smith & Pancake in midfield. Hmmmmm.
  15. Red numbers are our tradition... Why do you detest it so much? I know it is but not been used for years....just dont look right to me...plus its the colour of the filth. By that rationale, we shouldn't use White stripes either? Red numbers are the canine testicles man. It's what we had when I first started supporting us( Supermac era), would love to see them back.
  16. Cheers chap. How d'you think we'll fare ?
  17. Aaaargh, just clicked the link. Call me Loonytoon!
  18. When did the bin-dippers start wearing red at home? Can't see it being a popular move at all.
  19. Monkeys Fist


    Your sister shat on your living room floor in revenge for you throwing up all over the bathroom? I reckon it was the Big Black Dog. Lured him into a graveyard, then ran home to shit on his carpet. Sly buggers these Hell Hounds
  20. Agreed, I'll be really disappointed if we don't win the league - promotion is all well and good but it's kind of embarrassing if we're not going up as better than the rest of the smaller teams in the Championship. Aye- we've been top for 95% of the season. Would now be a bit shit to go up 2nd. Since it's probably going to be the only thing we'll have to celebrate for a good while, I'll class it as a piss-up opportunity missed
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