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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Woooah can we just roll this back? You went to watch a horse race while your club needed your support. Get yourself a house in Jarrow lad and hang your head in shame.
  2. Can't believe they were a side needing to come here and get something for their playoff chances, can you? They were terrible. +1 was talking to some of their fans on the way in, they honestly believed they'd win...
  3. Congratulations Mr & Mrs Paws. Ah, the sweet smell of milky bairns puke. Wonderful
  4. Your right about Nolans goal Pud. He walked it into the net. The commotion was a mystery- it seemed to be between a steward and 3 of the crowd. Head stewards and coppers all got involved but no-one was hoyed out, so I can only assume it was handbags. For once, I'd agree with the selection of Gutierrez as MOTM. Their keeper stopped a cricket score in the 2nd half.
  5. This is the thread for hissy fits , mind.
  6. Tit Saturday all over town this morning. Jubblilicious.
  7. Blackpool were utter shite like. Letting them score flatters them enormously. Why did Hughton bring Strola on? Anyway, 3 more points, happy days.
  8. I've been stood behind my car for over 5 hours now, fucking exhausted
  9. Monkeys Fist


    Bank Holiday drinking is for plebs tbh. I have to be in Manchester at 8am, so any celebrations tonight will be muted. Save it for the Going up as Champs drinks.
  10. Looking forward to this- should be a good atmosphere. I'd be happy to kick off safe in the knowledge we're up tbh.
  11. No hissy fits here Derek. Just an opinion stated. Nothing to say? No, why not question my sexuality?
  12. Just upping my post count again Ct. I would have replied to that but it was just so melodramatic. Aye, right. Bottle arse. Well you write a whole load of statements, none of which have anything to do with the thread. No-ones has said the fans have caused anything All melodramtaic piffle In your opening waffle you state that the fans should thank Ashley. My reasoning as to why they shouldn't is the above melodramatic piffle. Since none of the above kisses the arse of the Fatman , I didn't really expect a reply from you. That and the fact your are laughably ignorant. Fish stated earlier that he would never question another fans loyalty- I'm questioning yours. Your allegiances change with the wind, you critisize people for not kissing Ashleys arse, people who have invested in thus club long before he arrived, and will continue to long after he's gone. In short, you're a know nowt cunt who's after snit of attention. Prick.
  13. Just upping my post count again Ct. I would have replied to that but it was just so melodramatic. Aye, right. Bottle arse.
  14. Are you fucking mental? Headfuck of the century. When Shearer was managing, all the kids loved those cow horn thingys and had great fun with them. Seriously, just read that to yourself, actually read it out aloud, and please come to terms with how pathetic you sound. Im guessing 15, bit of bumfluff on the chin, not had a real girl yet but have found yourself paying a bit too much interest to the other boys in the shower oh deary deary me
  15. Just upping my post count again Ct.
  16. Are you fucking mental? Headfuck of the century. When Shearer was managing, all the kids loved those cow horn thingys and had great fun with them. Seriously, just read that to yourself, actually read it out aloud, and please come to terms with how pathetic you sound. CT owned by a 16yr old.
  17. once again no counter argument It looks like your taking the Alex guide to increasing post count without ever saying anything. I thought you had so much more!!!!! Come on, just this once, explain what's wummery about a thread on one of the most written about stories of the weekend! Dare ya Hmm take a look at your own post count/comments before ragging others. Just upping my post count- it really matters to me.
  18. The thing is CT/Derek, you've got this whole thing the wrong way round. We, the fans, have done nothing wrong. We've simply done what we always do- turn up in numbers, home & away, on TV or not, and supported OUR TEAM. The fans didn't lie. The fans didn't give our mates jobs they were/are disastrously ill suited to. The fans didn't force out the only man in the club who knew what he was doing. The fans didn't create such an atmosphere of instability that mo-one knew from week to week if were for sale or not. The fans didn't get us relegated. It's not up to the fans to put things right and seek forgiveness from Ashley. It's not up to the fans to prove they have the clubs best interests at heart. I'll say it again- the fans have done nothing wrong. So to expect us to thank the fat bastard for attempting to do what he should have done from day 1 is a bit rich. Ashley should be crawling out to the centre circle, prostrating himself in thanks at the extraordinary level of support from the NUFC faithfull. He should be dragging Llamearse behind him, sacking the incompetant fool in front of his long suffering customers. But he won't. That's why he's a country mile away from any semblance of forgiveness from me and thousands like me.
  19. Wum wummity wum wum wum. Happy Easter
  20. I find his surname a hoot- "Whiteworld". Like Nick Griffin being called Nick Niggazoot. Good riddance to evil shite.
  21. I previously thought you were a harmless WUM. This post shows otherwise. How you dare critisize anyone when you have shown yourself to be a fair weather fan astounds me. Sunderland have plenty spare tickets next season, off you go.
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