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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. From BBC Happy Birthday Smoggy btw
  2. If it involved Wor Cheryl doing a Lady Godiva down Grey Street, I'm in. And yes, Paddy's day can get to fuck. Part time Guinness drinkers clogging up pubs for a day. Fuckers.
  3. Cheers. I tend not to listen to him, sitting firmly in the Keane-Out camp. When the only person on your side is L*uise T*ylor, you know you're a Twat. Bye Bye Royston.
  4. Is that you like? It's CT when FMA announced he was sticking around. Btw, bumsecks.
  5. 1. Wagamamas. Not far from..... 2. The Haymarket. What's the Dog Wanker been saying about the game?
  6. When My dad lived in germany, a lifetime ago, he used to get HP sauce sent over. My Parents also always take a bottle of Salad cream with them when they go on holiday. Weirdos, Salad cream is absolutely awful. edit: Pickled onion no contest. hula hoops beef all the way! The 1st Pickled Onion Monster Munch out the bag has the same effect as sucking a lemon. After that, nom nom nom you realise SM , that by mentioning the words "beef" and "hoop" you have sent Wacky into a knob twitching fit. Yeah same with salt and vinegar squares, omg they're good too. (as for that cheeky little chav, I gotta give him something to work with ) I'd love to lick your salt & Vinegar square. and once again he never fails to disappoint Good job no-one mentioned Cheesy Puffs,eh?
  7. Its not fucking right that like is it? True. She's far from right. Madder than a bucket of frogs.
  8. Bugger this, I'm off to the shop to get some Twiglets. I have the shakes.
  9. Back on topic- I would sell my wife and child for an original pair of Wonder Woman's keks. Shop soiled naturally
  10. When My dad lived in germany, a lifetime ago, he used to get HP sauce sent over. My Parents also always take a bottle of Salad cream with them when they go on holiday. Weirdos, Salad cream is absolutely awful. edit: Pickled onion no contest. hula hoops beef all the way! The 1st Pickled Onion Monster Munch out the bag has the same effect as sucking a lemon. After that, nom nom nom you realise SM , that by mentioning the words "beef" and "hoop" you have sent Wacky into a knob twitching fit.
  11. Amen. Pickled Onion or Beef Munch?
  12. Dont think Ma Fist would've been too happy with jizz stained sofa cushions. And we were posh- we had VHS. Ma Fist- " Why are you recording Wonder Woman our Monkey?" Me. -"So I can have a wank later over her Wonder Tits ,Ma" SMACK!!!!
  13. I used to get them sent out with the coaches that brought the punters out. Not quite Paris Hilton- more Waynetta Slob. End result was the same- I got my fix.
  14. I never saw a complete episode of Wonder Woman either, always had to go to the toilet. Odd that.
  15. Twiglets are a weird one, Not something I'd ever buy, or put on a table at a get together, but they're always whats left at other peoples and although I wouldn't sai I especially liked them, once I've had a drink and I've had one of those nobbly little suckers I know I'm gonna finish the bowl and then go hunting for the rst of the packet. 1st thing on the list for party food. Twiglets are crisp heroin. Smarts a bit getting them into a vein though. I used to get my Mam to send me boxes when I lived abroad.
  16. Marmite crisps= Twiglets, the snack of the Gods.
  17. I dread to think how many socks I defiled 'thinking' about Kate Jackson off Charlies Angels.
  18. Not the first time he's fucked someone he shouldn't have a ledge alley.
  19. My parents actually have a Betamax and some Tapes in the Attic Daddy's 'special' tapes?
  20. Much damage to the bus? Seriously though, glad to hear your family are fine.
  21. 18,654. Every one of them pug-ugly.
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