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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. StJamesPark@cluelessbeyondbelief.com
  2. They've basically hung Hughton out to dry. Poor cunt. I'm still trying to get my head around this tbh.
  3. Asda Boldon have a 2 for 1 offer on Humble Pie at the minute. Eat one now, freeze the other for Ordinary Dave's implosion?
  4. Close, it's by the sea and it's residents breath through their mouths.
  5. Totally off topic here, but at Grandma Fists this lunchtime my good lady wife came out with the gem that one of her workmates kids has 6 toes per foot, and another has a niece with webbed feet. No points for guessing where Mrs. Fist works
  6. Life's Great Mysteries #65. How he ever got a job
  7. One of Kevin's balls has dropped and he's having a testosterone rush. Have a look at the underwear section in your Mam's catalogue Kevin, that'll calm you down.
  8. This- I registered and asked Besty if I'd been Stevie-ed Happy to put 10 bob in the meter like
  9. My mistake, it was the Guardian Clicky
  10. Hasn't he just won the Eredivisie? Read a decent article on him in T'Observer last month. Will see if I can find a link
  11. Are there any at the tournament we haven't had a "ruck" with? Other than Brazil.
  12. The irony of a Snow Patrol fan calling other people boring is staggering I'm not a Snow Patrol fan? as you can clearly see when i said simply outstanding i was refering to the crowd? Me thinks he doth protest too much. Odd's bodkins! Thou hast right on thine side Sir Fish.
  13. The irony of a Snow Patrol fan calling other people boring is staggering I'm not a Snow Patrol fan? as you can clearly see when i said simply outstanding i was refering to the crowd? Mechanic! This bicycle won't backpeddle fast enough. Snow Patrol. Ffs.
  14. Cameron has buckets more integrity than Blair. A con lib pact should work without either side having to give up principles. Most commentators realise the next genera election will not be too far away so it is very reasonable for each party to say they'll put the really disagreeable stuff to one side and mainly concentrate on the here and now of beginning to tackle some of our serious problems, mainly debt. Things like Trident and immigration are not a priority in the next 12 months. Also I might add that the immediate disagreeable stuff that can't be put aside is Cameron's 'emergency budget' on immediate cuts. I can't see how the Lib Dems can credibly agree to that. you really are stupid. How the fuck do you seriously expect Uk plc to get out of the hideous debt we are in without cuts. Are you really so fucking stupid? Did you think the fairies where going to come along. Honestly, it really does amaze me the stupidity of some of the stuff you say. Please tell me how labour would get us out of this without savage cuts? Would they just do it in nasty conservative areas? Wake up? Nurse!! The patient is fitting- hissy fitting. Euthanase him pleeeeease.
  15. I agree with that - especially the bit about voting unselfishly which is a core principle of mine - but as times have changed I think HF and to an extent where it was best expressed, Tony Blair had a point - there is a place for pragmatism. However Blair's mistake imo was to state that his pragmatism trumped almost any ideology - I think you need a bedrock of principles on top of which practical policies are built. I caught Brown the other day stating something simple that one of Cameron's core promises was the inheritance tax sop and that told him and should tell everyone all they need to know about Tory values - and he's dead right .
  16. As opposed to all the daft cunts who voted Tory Oh, and Alex of course. Most sensible people realised that the pain was coming whoever got in. The sooner the pain starts, the sooner it's over. You of all people getting a new business up and running should want this period over, sooner rather than later. I started my business just before the worst recession in decades kicked in. Business is booming, regardless. My personal circumstances, however, are irrelevant. I vote for an ideology, not a policy. I vote for what's best for everyone, not what's best for me. I was born in an NHS hospital, grew up in a council house, an was educated in a state school. None of these things would have existed without the idealogy I voted for. Incidentally, when the jobs start going, and the roads start falling to bits , the Taxi trade usually suffers. You reap what you sow.
  17. As opposed to all the daft cunts who voted Tory Oh, and Alex of course.
  18. Maybe someone told him how long the last two hung parliaments lasted. He has my deepest sympathy.
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