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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Not a compilation, but canny goal;free kick from inside centre circle This saved his side from relegation, against the league champions. (might want to turn the commentary down, its a gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooal type fella.)
  2. That is a bar steward of a drive mate, what you doing up there in Beggarsville?
  3. Sure it wasn't CT out on his "special" night?
  4. You could have looked him in the eye RIP
  5. Go to the Alps man! The Lakes on 'roids.
  6. Daaaahling, was the Montrachet to die for? Tweedies is bog standard anyway. Still haven't got round to contacting your friends btw MF, not had time, hopefully will later in the year. No bother mate. He runs courses year round. Enjoy. Planning on taking my nipper on her first camping trip soon.
  7. Daaaahling, was the Montrachet to die for?
  8. haha No, AVG antivirus 9.0 was expiring so i decided to go on and look fora keygen, downloaded the keygen, opened it and it disappeared off my desktop Ok.
  9. What's the worst thing about having a baby? Putting the nappy back on afterwards. What's the worst thing about screwing a 3 year old? Getting blood on your clown suit. I was walking through the woods the other night with my nephew. He said "These woods sure are scary!" I said"Dunno what you're complaining about-I have to walk home alone..."
  10. Stop looking at dodgy porn, young shaver.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/589 This event has been wiped from the history books
  12. Were they driving a taxi with Whitney on the stereo?
  13. Who wrote it? Substitute "Darkies" for Northeners and it gives the true nature of it.
  14. " What the Dickens does one do now? Matron!!!"
  15. Bang goes the transfer kitty.... Oh, wait.....
  16. As opposed to all the daft cunts who voted Tory Oh, and Alex of course. Most sensible people realised that the pain was coming whoever got in. The sooner the pain starts, the sooner it's over. You of all people getting a new business up and running should want this period over, sooner rather than later. I started my business just before the worst recession in decades kicked in. Business is booming, regardless. My personal circumstances, however, are irrelevant. I vote for an ideology, not a policy. I vote for what's best for everyone, not what's best for me. I was born in an NHS hospital, grew up in a council house, an was educated in a state school. None of these things would have existed without the idealogy I voted for. Incidentally, when the jobs start going, and the roads start falling to bits , the Taxi trade usually suffers. You reap what you sow. Aslong as I'm alright jack Should have just voted Tory. This is what happens when you preach the moral high ground. I have no wish to see any family suffer but I know it's inevitible and can't be avoided. I know that regardless who got in , massive cuts are needed, however I am sure you and your moral high ground companions will slag the Tories each step of the way, even though it's "for the greater good". My prime motivation for voting the way I did was as ,you have so kindly quoted for me, above. The fact that my partners livelihood would also be safer by my voting as such was not the prime motivation for my voting this way. Also, regarding the "hope you crash" comment. That was foolish and in the heat of the moment. I should have added "in 6 months" to ensure the Dave effect has taken hold in the hospitals, emergency services etc.
  17. Bloody Hell Kitman, it's breakfast time over here man! Have another sausage, mate! Mmmmm sausages, bacon, black pud , nom nom nom
  18. Bloody Hell Kitman, it's breakfast time over here man!
  19. Nothing to do with "bad loser" mate. There are people on here who's jobs will go because of this. My mrs. is one of them. Nothing personal but so many of you have bleated on in this thread about voting for parties because of the greater good and what they do for others but as soon as you all actually have to make sacrifices ( for the greater good) you suddenly start going all Tory and thinking of yourselves????? Strange that! You really are a cunt of the highest order. I hope you crash.
  20. My point is that if some appear a bit pissed off with this , they've good fucking reason to be.
  21. Nothing to do with "bad loser" mate. There are people on here who's jobs will go because of this. My mrs. is one of them.
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