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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Who went to Cambridge and sent her son to a £10,000 a year private school. Very working class. Why shouldn't she have gone to Cambridge like? Been Googling much btw? Nowt against cambridge but lets not dress her up as Mrs average working class black woman. and use her to point to differences between Labour and Tories. She's quite clearly not Mrs average working class black woman, but she is a working class black woman. Which is the difference between the parties that I was alluding to. Non-argument I'm afraid, just simple matter of fact. So someone who attends Cambridge and sends their child to £10,000 a year private school is now working class. Your right.... Non Argument My Wife's Aunt, Uncle, and both of their children all went to either Oxford or Cambridge. She( the aunt) went to Dame Allans on a scholarship. Her kids went to state school.She was recently awarded an O.B.E. She is , and counts her family as, working class. All fact, not argument. Your point?
  2. Not at all young skywalker...... I enjoy all politics and enjoy politicians from all sides. The bottom line is the four or five currently up for election are a dreary lot. Of that there is no denial. If Milliband (d) is there best hope then they are seriously fucked. Sigh. This is just your opinion CT, not fact. You are 'dyed in the wool' tory (your words), you couldn't help being biased any more than I could with Cameron. And even if you were impartial, your opinion would fly in the face of most commentators. Milliband will win many votes compared to his predecessor. If the recession hits us hard, don't rule out you might have a PM as your MP. Sigh right back at you. It's not about party bias! Do you simply not understand? While being a Newcastle supporter I can recognise Rooney is a good player. While being a Tory I can recognise good politicians who have that "x factor" in other parties. Labour have had many over the years however myself and "many commentators", clearly recognise this bunch are a drab lot. This does not mean they won't win etc, just that they all lack that special appeal. If you think I'm wrong at least add a bit of substance to why you think a particular one has the x factor rather than just telling me I'm wrong! Who? Do these "many commentators" have names? Let's see some quotes please? (you can search on www.wum.co.ck).
  3. Cbeebies are rerunning the entire Teletubbies this summer. Quality.
  4. what system are you playing it on? PS3...........just read the IGN review and it said as much in there as well......wasn't meant as a complaint it doesn't affect gameplay, just an observation Your opinion on the online aspect? I fear it will be crippled by lag, which would be a shame. haven't even thought about it yet...the game is HUGE You'd expect a game from Rockstar to be pretty massive, its seems with RR:D in paticular that they've focused more on additional things to keep you occupied (poker, hunting), which sounds like San Andreas. GTA4 was the opposite and more focused on the stroyline, and tbh I prefer this and hope these additions aren't a hinderence to the main story. Hunting does sound cool though. 10 kudos points to the first screenshot of a hunted coyote I'd prefer a bloodied beaver shot tbh Gutted rabbit do you?
  5. Before The Fish does. Will this revoloution be tellyvized?
  6. what system are you playing it on? PS3...........just read the IGN review and it said as much in there as well......wasn't meant as a complaint it doesn't affect gameplay, just an observation Your opinion on the online aspect? I fear it will be crippled by lag, which would be a shame. haven't even thought about it yet...the game is HUGE You'd expect a game from Rockstar to be pretty massive, its seems with RR:D in paticular that they've focused more on additional things to keep you occupied (poker, hunting), which sounds like San Andreas. GTA4 was the opposite and more focused on the stroyline, and tbh I prefer this and hope these additions aren't a hinderence to the main story. Hunting does sound cool though. 10 kudos points to the first screenshot of a hunted coyote
  7. 2ndgoal -75 strikers miles offside
  8. I'm just in the mood for some cheap drugs- I'm thinking Viagra etc. Anyone know any annoying spamming twats that can help me out?
  9. Absolutely capital young fella me lad! I shall leave a guinea tip if the blart is of the trouser troubling standard you say. (fuck knows why, but I've come over all Victorian?)
  10. Aye, but you need the wit to pull it off. Don't shoot the messenger, but.......
  11. First class you say? What is the name of this Mingetastic brasserie young man? I demand it!!
  12. Back on topic, having just seen Laz's latest FacebookFuglies post, I'm feeling soiled.
  13. what job is it? your 16 so i'm intrigued Waiter, before you laugh, I've recieved very little training and generally feel like this is out of my depth, due to my age and inexperience. Also the fact that it's a very good brassiere with high standards and expectations and service should be quality, although I keep hearing I'm doing well, I feel the complete opposite like I'm more of a liability than a worthy addition to the team. Stick at it mate. In my experience of restaurant work( used to work as a chef), if they say you're doing well , they mean it. After a short time you'll be tapping up the waitresses and loving it. Aye, I wouldn't worry about feeling out of your depth mate, You'll soon pick it up. And if you want more training I' sure they'd rather train you up than get in a new body who they'll have to start from scratch with. unless of course you've lied about how much experience you previsously had? I was pretty much 'forced' into putting a white-lie in, which was that I had worked part-time previously in a much smaller contemporary restraurant, which I hadn't. So you could imagine someone my age facing 100 pre-booked covers, with zero experience within this sector, and feeling bad at the same time because you've lied to a sound bloke, I shit myself. Everyone in the trade lies about their experience mate. Relax, enjoy, ogle the fine lady diners
  14. what job is it? your 16 so i'm intrigued Waiter, before you laugh, I've recieved very little training and generally feel like this is out of my depth, due to my age and inexperience. Also the fact that it's a very good brassiere with high standards and expectations and service should be quality, although I keep hearing I'm doing well, I feel the complete opposite like I'm more of a liability than a worthy addition to the team. Stick at it mate. In my experience of restaurant work( used to work as a chef), if they say you're doing well , they mean it. After a short time you'll be tapping up the waitresses and loving it.
  15. what job is it? your 16 so i'm intrigued Collects rent?
  16. Should have got himself a 360 degree mirror and cheered up, the miserable fucker.
  17. The Badger is canny enough but its part of a chain iirc. There seems to be a massive shortage of independent pubs doing decent food in this region, especially in and around Newcastle and North Tyneside. Anybody got any foody recommendations? Shiremoor Farm has decent bait for a pub, beer's not too shabby either. That's my local food pub of choice but it can get really packed. It's not great for veggies either tbh (for the wife, not me). Went to the Pavillion the other day and it was poor, although it had the bonus that the waitresses apparently weren't wearing skirts. Also went to the Maggy bank before Christmas and the food was poor and massively overpriced to boot. Most the other pubs are just 2 for £8 merchants. Poor show really. True, there's not much to choose from. Next time you go up Northumberland, it's worth making a trip to The Cook and Barker at Newton-on-the-Moor. The food is superb, it has rooms if you fancy a stopover too. I can't comment on the veggie options, but if it's on par with the cooked flesh, it'll be grand Cook and Barker tinterwebs
  18. The Badger is canny enough but its part of a chain iirc. There seems to be a massive shortage of independent pubs doing decent food in this region, especially in and around Newcastle and North Tyneside. Anybody got any foody recommendations? Shiremoor Farm has decent bait for a pub, beer's not too shabby either.
  19. Ignore him / her....Theres no such thing as depression. Read Tony Robbins. There you go Craig, all you have to do is fill a room of your house with mirrors, then gurn at yourself all day- ffs.............. Hope things perk up for you soon. Ignore the window cleaner Craig...... Get the book, awaken the giant within (ebay a few quid or pm me your adress and I'll send you mine) think you can even download it now. Lots of sceptics but it will sort you out, guaranteed. Says Christmas Tree M.D. Back to asda tory boy, there's chavs need a lift home with their booty.
  20. Ignore him / her....Theres no such thing as depression. Read Tony Robbins. There you go Craig, all you have to do is fill a room of your house with mirrors, then gurn at yourself all day- ffs.............. Hope things perk up for you soon.
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