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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I might be wrong, but weren't we the first League club to field foriegn players i.e. The Robledo brothers (Chilean) in the '50s?
  2. Jealous... As..... Feck... Enjoy mate. I'll be having a week in a cottage in the Lakes early September with the new addition ( due to come out the "sun roof " on 11 June). Bonus- First England game is the day after, Mrs. will still be in hospital- uninterrupted viewing pleasure!
  3. Well done Mate. Aren't their bollocks massive when they're born?
  4. They're in his specially built snipers nest , overlooking the Media Centre.
  5. Nice and simple. In honour of it's greatest user, Wacky, perhaps it should be in lower case lettering
  6. Fuck off Kevin* *can we assign this response a code, to save everyone time typing it out.
  7. I'd forgotten how devastated Little Micky was at the time.
  8. sounds pretty damn good to me. About to start a 14 hour spell in the cab with a passenger window that's stuck up and air conditioning that's not working!!! Are you aware that you're breaking the law? I hope to fuck I never get picked up by you after a 14 hour session. Are you aware that once again you are wrong He's not breaking the law, but if he's pulled by a licensing officer he'll be off the road until it's fixed. Assuming you are registered with South Tyneside , and that their regulations are the same as North Tyneside. My bad, I thought taxis driving time was limited by the working time directive, but apparently private cabs are exempt (not sure why). Regardless, driving a 14 hour shift is clearly irresponsible and dangerous; before CT claims I am on my high horse maybe he should consider this case. I suspect he's just trying to impress and being a Billy Bullshitter as usual though. Fist is on ignore so Im not sure what he's talking about getting "fixed" and being off the road?? A 14 hour shift is nothing Renton. Its not like lorry driving where you are constantly driving, most of your time is sitting waiting for a job. What all the a&e's up and down the country with Doctors working rediculous hours with very little sleep. Really a hoo hah about nothing. Victory to the Chimp ! The "fixed " reference is to the broken window and A/C. If pulled by a licencing enforcement officer with the above faults you would be off the road until they were fixed. Btw, if you spend most of a 14 hour shift sitting waiting for work, you're clearly in a shit office.Move offices and then you'll have less wasted time. When I taxied, 12-14 hrs were the norm, with an hour cumulative "dead hours" the absolute max. But, if I'm on ignore, I guess thus post is redundant. Hey Ho!
  9. Like I said, Muff Diver.
  10. link Common or garden Muff Diver tbh
  11. sounds pretty damn good to me. About to start a 14 hour spell in the cab with a passenger window that's stuck up and air conditioning that's not working!!! Are you aware that you're breaking the law? I hope to fuck I never get picked up by you after a 14 hour session. Are you aware that once again you are wrong He's not breaking the law, but if he's pulled by a licensing officer he'll be off the road until it's fixed. Assuming you are registered with South Tyneside , and that their regulations are the same as North Tyneside.
  12. That is why I stopped watching it after about 5 shows.
  13. Is the fat bloke still fat - if so, how?
  14. Hits my legs first, swiftly followed by language blur
  15. Mrs Fist is off to her mates, Chimplet is in bed, beers are cooling in the fridge, Champions League final in an hour or so..... Happy Monkey
  16. Getting my head together to pack em in in the very near future. Looking forward to not smoking tbh.
  17. Happy birthday gents. Have a cooling pint or several
  18. Waiting for the right pair of ladders to crash into. I don't use them. Try a wall or the sea. Goodnight. I am a Sad sad little man, fixed
  19. Waiting for the right pair of ladders to crash into. I don't use them. Try a wall or the sea. Goodnight.
  20. I wear Paul Smith, not Calvin Klein. Waiting for some examples of "many commentators". You not crashed yet?
  21. Not at all young skywalker...... I enjoy all politics and enjoy politicians from all sides. The bottom line is the four or five currently up for election are a dreary lot. Of that there is no denial. If Milliband (d) is there best hope then they are seriously fucked. Sigh. This is just your opinion CT, not fact. You are 'dyed in the wool' tory (your words), you couldn't help being biased any more than I could with Cameron. And even if you were impartial, your opinion would fly in the face of most commentators. Milliband will win many votes compared to his predecessor. If the recession hits us hard, don't rule out you might have a PM as your MP. Sigh right back at you. It's not about party bias! Do you simply not understand? While being a Newcastle supporter I can recognise Rooney is a good player. While being a Tory I can recognise good politicians who have that "x factor" in other parties. Labour have had many over the years however myself and "many commentators", clearly recognise this bunch are a drab lot. This does not mean they won't win etc, just that they all lack that special appeal. If you think I'm wrong at least add a bit of substance to why you think a particular one has the x factor rather than just telling me I'm wrong! Who? Do these "many commentators" have names? Let's see some quotes please? (you can search on www.wum.co.ck). Your becoming more desperate each week. Get over yerself man Its almost stalking... At least participate in the argument first. If you dont think there a drab bunch stand up for them. Have some balls man. Failed. No quotes- no argument to participate in. You'd fucking love your own stalker btw. D.Milliband -PM in waiting.
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