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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. There's a difference? *retreats to arms length
  2. Cheers for the tips. Will let you know how I get on in a wee while. (i.e. When I'm satisfied I've beaten it. )
  3. Taylor piece was in SUNDAY MIRROR as stated - can't you read ? You could probably stick both newspapers sideways in to your mouth - abusive prat. It's Bank Holiday, the poor thing has an extra day of Daddys Secret Game to deal with. We should club together and send a crate of Anusol over. A bank holiday for you old fuckers I've been finished school 3 weeks I'm sure your parents envisage a successful future for you. I'm doing my Alevels, got AABBBCCCC in my GCSE's. So yes they do envisage a successful future for me. doesn't everybody get grades like that ? Lets face it, you must be a right illiterate cunt to fail. No, they don't. I got the highest in my year. (my school wasn't the brightest) Self awareness is this first step to Enlightenment.
  4. Taylor piece was in SUNDAY MIRROR as stated - can't you read ? You could probably stick both newspapers sideways in to your mouth - abusive prat. It's Bank Holiday, the poor thing has an extra day of Daddys Secret Game to deal with. We should club together and send a crate of Anusol over.
  5. The ball just Nipped in like shock horror.......you racist !!!!! Don't know what you mean old chap. Perfectly innocent post, only racist in the interpretation of the reader
  6. The ball just Nipped in like
  7. They both enjoy(ed) expanding the circle of their friends? Neither have been inside a vagina since birth?
  8. They both enjoy(ed) expanding the circle of their friends?
  9. "Don't it always seem to go. That you don't know what you've got. Till it's gone "
  10. Cheers, posting on my iPhone ATM. Will have a crack on pc later.
  11. Would if I knew how message sent at 5:50pm today. Click my profile and see who visited at 5:49pm I'll try forwarding it to you?
  12. Kevin, why have you just sent me this; "do you reckon noelie can get a boner?" in PM? Don't message me again you little cunt.
  13. yeah well i'd rather be mackem than you They wouldn't have you- even they have standards. FoK
  14. Monkeys Fist


    He fucked my little arse til it bled FYP FoK
  15. So, did it kick off? Anyone heard/ saw any bother?
  16. Monkeys Fist


    To open a thread titled " Are you glad we're owned by Ashley", then make the OP a puerile attempt at reasons anyone should be glad smacks of attention seeking wummery. To then, 20 minutes later, change the thread title to "Hello", and edit the OP to Hi, is desperation of worrying proportions. What's wrong Kevin? Has your Da been "at" you again?
  17. My brother is there now- second time for him. Loves it. The only place he's ever been back to again. Very good for para-gliding apparantly.
  18. Only in Hell mate, only in Hell ...
  19. PHNAR PHNAR As I typed that I knew that was coming You could introduce her to Great End. Gak gak fnar etc.
  20. Anti- Fascist League (sp?) march at the same time. Kaizer Chiefs.
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